Organization of Public Events in the Centre of Prague

Processing of a request

The subjects interested in organizing a public production, company presentation, cultural or sports event or any other public performance, or in filming or arranging parking related to filming in the public areas in the City of Prague must submit a request to the owner of the roads and streets – the City of Prague – or its commissioned organization – the Technical Management of Roads and Streets of the City of Prague (Technická správa komunikací hlavního města Prahy), for the lease of the relevant roads or streets, and obtain the permit for a special use of public areas from the Road Administration.

1)   The lease of roads or streets for the organization of a public event in the area of the Prague Historical Reserve

a)    Requests for the lease of these roads and streets:

§    Václavské náměstí (Wenceslas Square)    ¡ Na Můstku street,

§    Staroměstské náměstí (Old Town Square)    ¡ Na Příkopě street,

§    Celetná Street,    ¡ 28. října Street.

These requests are processed by the Commercial Activities Department of the Prague City Hall.

b)    The request for lease of other roads and streets on the territory of the Prague Historical Reserve are processed by the Technical Management of Roads and Streets of the City of Prague, regional management - Centre, Školská 13, Praha 1.

The above-mentioned authorities approve the requests for one-time, short time and limited scale public events. The larger scale and longer events or events taking place over several days are further referred to the “Commission of the City of Prague Council for coordination of activities in public areas of the Prague Historical Reserve” for review and approval. The Commission evaluates primarily the tolerability of the event from the point of view of public interest (e. g. will it inconvenience the citizens by noise, cause harm to the environment, hamper transport or safety etc.?). It will also take into consideration the preliminary statement of the Road Authority (see 2a).

In case of approval of the request, the Commercial Activities Department of the Prague City Hall (or the Technical Management of Roads and Streets, the regional management – Centre) will make a contract on lease of roads or streets with the interested party containing the price of the lease and the conditions on which the event may take place.

c)    Exceptions in leasing of space on roads and streets:

§    Karlův most (Charles Bridge) (only for music performance or sale of pieces of art), Uhelný trh (Coal Market) (only for sale of pieces of art)

Approved by:     Sdružení výtvarníků Karlova mostu, o. s.

Address:    Sněmovní 7, 118 00 Prague 1

Phone no.:    + 420 257 53 10 88

Open:     Tuesday 9–12AM and Thursday 1–4 PM

Mailing address:     P.O.Box 106, 118 01 Prague 011

§    Staré zámecké schody (Old Castle Stairs) (sale of items related to Prague – pictures, maps, glass articles, postcards, books etc.)

Approved by:      Venia, s. r. o.

Address:     Pod Bruskou 3, Prague 1

Phone no.:    + 420 257 53 33 93, + 420 602 285 528

Open:    Monday-Friday 10–11AM and 5–6 PM

2)   Special use of public areas

The subject interested in organizing a public event must also request the relevant Road Authority (in case of the Prague Historical Reserve – Prague 1, it is the Department of Transport and Environment of the Municipal Hall of Prague 1) for the following two statements:

a)    Preliminary approval of special use of public area

Request for the preliminary approval of the Road Authority must be submitted by the organizer in cases specified by the Commercial Activities Department of Prague City Hall, on the basis of the type and character of the public event.

b)   Decision on the special use of public area

The Department of Transport and Environment will review the request predominantly from the point of view of the impact of the public event on the safety and smoothness of traffic. The conditions that the organizer must meet during the public event are also part of the decision issued.


The Contract on Lease of Roads or Streets must be attached to the request for the above mentioned decision (see point 1).

Forms, requirements, documentation

ad 1a)  The following documents are necessary to lease roads or streets from the Prague City Hall:

Request for the lease of roads or streets for carrying out a public event (form available at the Information Centre of the Prague City Hall, Mariánské Square 2, Prague 1), with the following appendices:

§    Copy of the Trade Register excerpt (no older than 6 months) – legal entity,

§    Copy of the Trade Certificate (no older than 6 months) – personal entity,

§    Power-of-Attorney for the representative (with notary certification) – in case the organizer is represented by another person,

§    A situation plan with the area to be used marked in it, including dimensions specifying the distance from the facades of the buildings or other fixed points (plans are available at the Information Centre of the Prague City Hall),

§    A drawing of the temporary structures the organizer will build or place in the area because of the public event,

§    Program (schedule) of the event,

§    Number and names of the performers,

§    Preliminary approval of the Road Authority (in cases specified by the Commercial Activities Department of the Prague City Hall on the basis of the type of public event).

ad 1b) The following documents must be submitted to lease an area from the Technical Management of Roads and Streets – regional management - Centre:

Request for the lease of roads or streets for carrying out a public event (form is available at the regional management office) with the following appendices:

§    Copy of the Trade Register excerpt (no older than 6 months) – legal entity,

§    Copy of the Trade Certificate (no older than 6 months) – personal entity,

§    Power-of-Attorney for the representative (with notary certification) – in case the organizer is represented by another person,

§    A situation plan with the area to be used marked in it, including dimensions specifying the distance from the facades of the buildings or other fixed points (plans are available at the Information Centre of the of Prague City Hall),

§    The regional management on the basis of the type of the event may specify possible further documents.

ad 2) The following documents must be presented to the Department of Transport and Environment of the Municipal Hall of Prague 1 for issuing a permit for special use of roads and streets:

Request for issuing a permit for special use of roads and streets (the form is available at the Municipal Hall office) with the following appendices:

  • Copy of the Trade Register excerpt (no older than 6 months) – legal entity,
  • Copy of the Trade Certificate (no older than 6 months) – personal entity,
  • Power-of-Attorney for the representative to collect the permit or waive an appeal – in case the organizer is represented by another person,
  • A situation plan with the area to be used marked in it, including dimensions
  • The agreement of the owner or manager of the particular roads or streets – Contract on the Lease of Roads or Streets
  • Licence numbers of the vehicles (in case of entry into the pedestrian zone).

Lease payments and fees

1) Lease of roads or streets

The lease payment for the lease of roads and street for organizing a public event is assessed as minimally the local fee (or higher) (see the Regulation of the City of Prague no. 24/2003 Coll., City of Prague, on the local fee for the use of public areas).

2) Special use of roads and streets

Local and administrative fees are paid for the special use of roads and streets:

  • Local fee is assessed according to the Regulation of the City of Prague no. 24/2003 Coll., City of Prague, on the local fee for the use of public areas,
  • Administrative fee is collected according to the tariff of administrative fees of the Act no. 368/1992 Coll., on administrative fees, as amended:

Shorter than 10 days         100,- CZK

Shorter than 1 month        500,- CZK

Time limits for the submission of the request to the Prague City Hall

§    Requests for filming, short music performances and theatrical performances (without sound equipment, duration of about 2 hours):

      1 month before the event

§    Requests for organizing other events, i. e. bigger and longer events (events that must be reviewed by the Commission of the City of Prague Council for coordination of activities in public areas in the Prague Historical Reserve):

        At least 2 months before the event

Execution deadlines

30 days, in complicated cased 60 days.

The responsible Authorities:

Commercial Activities Department, section of commercial use of buildings

Address:    Franz Kafka Square 1, Prague 1

Office no.:    415, 3rd floor
Phone no.:     + 420 236 00 25 42
Open:    Monday 12–5 PM, Wednesday 8 AM–6 PM

Technical Management of Roads and Streets of the City of Prague, regional management - Centre

Address:     Školská 13, Prague 1

Phone no.:     + 420 222 23 24 53

Open:    Monday 8 AM-12 PM, Wednesday 8 AM-1 PM.

The Municipal Hall of Prague 1, Department of Transport and Environment

Address:        Vodičkova 18 Prague 1

Phone no.:     + 420 224 21 62 79

Open:    Monday, Wednesday 8 AM-12,00 PM and 1-5:30 PM

Submitting the request to the Prague City Hall

The Request with the additional appendices and documents and marked with the title of the Department is submitted by mail or delivered personally to the Filing Room of the City Hall.

Address:     The Prague City Hall, Mariánské Square 2, 110 01 Prague 1

Open (filing room):     Monday-Thursday 7:45AM – 6 PM, Friday 7:45AM – 4 PM

Legal Regulations

§    Act no. 71/1967 Coll., on Administrative Procedures (Administrative Regulation)

§    Act no. 13/1997 Coll., on Roads and Streets (Road Act), as amended

§    Act no. 455/1991 Coll., on Trade Licensing and Trade (Trade Licencing Act), as amended

§    Act no. 368/1992 Coll., on Administrative Fees

§    City of Prague no. 24/2003 Coll., City of Prague, on local fees for use of public areas

§    Government Regulation 502/2000 Coll., on Protection of Health from the Negative Effects of Noise and Vibrations