
Three quarters of European citizens live and work in big cities. For that reason, these cities joined together in 1986 and founded the non-profit organization EUROCITIES to share knowledge and apply this knowledge in practice.

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The organization brings together cities which have a population of 250 thousand inhabitants or more. The criterion for the minimum number of inhabitants is only not observed in exceptional cases; that is, when smaller cities are important and natural centres of a region.

EUROCITIES represents the interests of the cities at EU institutions and national governments. It tries to influence decision-making at a European level, as well as to create legislation so that it takes into consideration the interests of local governments. It lobbies for the inclusion of local issues in EU programmes. It provides thematic documents, expert and pilot studies, statements and commentaries to the documents issued by the European Commission. Through its activities it raises public awareness of this area. Moreover, there is a regular exchange of experience among cities, as well as consultations and transfer of information on current programmes. The results of the joint projects are made available for other, non-member cities. Overall, the organization seeks to improve the quality of life of the citizens of European cities.

At present, EUROCITIES includes more than 130 cities from 34 countries. EUROCITIES work is organized into work forums: culture, economy, environment, knowledge, society, mobility and social affairs. Individual forums have their own working groups.

In 1993, Prague became an associated member, becoming a full member in 2004.