Frequently asked questions

Providing of a collecting container at the household
Change for sufficient capacity of the collecting container for mixed waste
Complaint on emptying of collecting containers for mixed waste
Damage / loss of the collecting container for mixed waste
Regularly overloaded containers for mixed waste
The vicinity of containers for sorted waste is not maintained clean and tidy
Burning of garden waste
Vehicle wrecks – what to do with

Where to dispose various types of waste 

zdeProviding of a collecting container for mixed waste at the household

The landlord shall get into contact with the appropriate collecting company (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only). The collecting company will conclude the Declaration of the Waste Charge Payer (in Czech only - conditions of the mixed waste collecting container emptying /file of MS-Word type, 44 kByte/). The container size and frequency of emptying shall be determined by the landlord. On the basis of the signed Declaration of the Waste Charge Payer the charge for municipal waste shall be determined (see the Ordinance of the Capital City of Prague No. 2/2005 Code). The minimum sufficient capacity is 28 litres per person and week (see Section 2 m) of the Ordinance of the Capital City of Prague No. 24/2001 Code).  Providing for sufficient capacity of collecting containers for mixed waste is the duty of the landlord (see Section 6 of the Ordinance of the Capital City of Prague No. 24/2001 Code).


zdeChange for sufficient capacity of the collecting container for mixed waste

The landlord shall contact the appropriate collecting company (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only), the company shall conclude a new Declaration of the Waste Charge Payer (in Czech only - conditions of the mixed waste collecting container emptying /file of MS-Word type, 44 kByte/). On the basis of the signed Declaration of the Waste Charge Payer the charge for municipal waste shall be determined (see the Ordinance of the Capital City of Prague No. 2/2005 Code). The minimum sufficient capacity is 28 litres per person and week (see Section 2 m) of the Ordinance of the Capital City of Prague No. 24/2001 Code).  Providing for sufficient capacity of collecting containers for mixed waste is the duty of the landlord (see Section 6 of the Ordinance of the Capital City of Prague No. 24/2001 Code). 


zdeComplaints on emptying of collecting containers for mixed waste

The landlord, or other person (for instance, a house tenant), shall contact the appropriate collecting company (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only), such complaint can also be made by phone, in writing, or in person. The collecting companies register all complaints and claims. Any complaint may be submitted in case of:

  • Emptying of mixed waste container is not carried out;
  • The collecting container is not marked with the type of waste and date stamp determining weeks, days and time of emptying;
  • The collecting container place is not cleaned (if this is not a permanent location of collecting containers);
  • Waste was spilled during the collecting container handling and the spill was not cleaned by the collecting company;
  • The collecting container was lost, stolen, burnt, etc.;
  • Bad behaviour of the collecting vehicle crew, their unwillingness, nuisance in time of holiday, etc.;
  • Delivery of collecting containers or locking of house door was not carried out if the landlord has such service provided in the agreement (to the collecting company only);
  • Damage to house areas caused during the collecting containers’ delivery (to the collecting company only);

The fixing collection and emptying should be carried out by 18:00 o’clock on the day after the deficiency has been communicated or roads negotiability has been restored. The period for the receiving of a written answer to a complaint is 30 days.


zdeDamage / loss of the collecting container for mixed waste

The landlord shall contact the appropriate collecting company (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only). The collecting company shall provide a new container. In the case of a lost container the new one is provided within 5 working days since the incident has been communicated, or after the date of the next emptying. In the case of damaged collecting container the new one is provided within 5 working days or on the day the next emptying after the collecting company found the damage.


zdeRegularly overloaded containers for sorted waste

When sorted waste containers are found to be overloaded regularly a person can contact the appropriate Authorities of City District (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only), which shall provide for correction thereof. The City District is entitled to carry our checks of legal and natural entities – entrepreneurs (waste producers), for they unduly use the sorted waste containers, which are dedicated to natural entities – inhabitants of the City of Prague (pursuant to Section 80 of the Act No. 185/2001 Code and in accordance with the Ordinance of the Capital City of Prague No. 55/2000 Code). In case these containers are regularly overloaded by natural entities, the Authorities of the appropriate City District shall ask the Group of municipal hygiene of Department of the Environment of the Prague City Hall (formerly Group of Municipal Waste and City Cleanliness of Department of Municipal Infrastructure) (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only) for a higher frequency of emptying of the containers being overloaded. 


zdeThe vicinity of containers for sorted waste is not maintained clean and tidy

Inhabitants may contact the appropriate Authorities of City District (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only) or directly the Group of municipal hygiene of Department of the Environment of the Prague City Hall (formerly Group of Municipal Waste and City Cleanliness of Department of Municipal Infrastructure)  (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only), which shall provide for cleaning thereof. The appropriate collecting company has the duty to provide for cleaning of sorted waste collecting points twice per week (pursuant to Rules of Operation - in Czech only). 


zdeBurning of garden waste

Burning of any waste is banned pursuant to the Act on waste (Act No. 185/2001 Code) as well as pursuant to generally binding Ordinance of the Capital City of Prague (Ordinance No. 24/2001 Code). This also holds for waste from greenery. This waste (biological waste //) shall be, above of al,l composted. In case the inhabitant does not posses their own composting machine or has no place where compost may be laid, he/she can deliver biological waste to the nearest collecting yard or directly to a composting facility (detail information in Czech only). Some of Authorities of City Districts (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only) provide for regular allocation of containers for biological waste. Clean and dry wood can be burnt, which means it is used as fuel (in stoves, on fireplace). In this case this is not burning of waste yet firing of fuel. Pursuant to the Act on air pollution control (Act No. 86/2002 Code) biological waste can be burnt in municipalities where conditions of such activity are established in a generally binding ordinance. The City of Prague has not issued such an ordinance. 


zdeVehicle wrecks – what to do with them

A vehicle wreck can be disposed only by handing it over to a person, which is the operator of a facility for the reuse, disposal, collecting, or purchase of vehicle wrecks (Section 37 (1) of the Act No. 185/2001 Code) /link to the MoE website, information in Czech only/. The application for permanent cancellation of a vehicle registration from the Register of Road Vehicles (file of PDF format, in Czech only) shall always be accompanied with a document on the vehicle wreck disposal. Authorities of a City District may impose a fine up to the amount of CZK 20,000 to the person who did not dispose a vehicle wreck in accordance with the Act No. 185/2001 Code.


zdeWhere various types of waste shall be returned to

zdeold furniture

Old furniture does not usually fit into the collecting containers for mixed waste, it is bulky waste. For this type of waste the large-volume containers, which are regularly distributed across the entire territory of the City of Prague, should be used. The lists of collecting points and schedules of distribution (information in Czech only) are published by appropriate Authorities of City Districts (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only). It is useful to dismantle the furniture, at least in part, in order not to occupy too much space in the container. Furthermore, for returning of such waste one can use collecting yards of the City of Prague and collecting yards of certain City Districts (Prague 4, Prague 6, and Prague 15). Neither old furniture nor any other type of waste may not be disposed aside the collecting containers for the mixed and sorted waste. Because furniture contains additions of harmful substances it is interest of all inhabitants the furniture is not burnt.

zdecarpets and linoleums

Carpets, linoleums, and other floorings shall not be put into collecting containers for plastics, even if they seem to be made of plastics and artificial fibre. They usually do not fit into the mixed municipal waste collecting containers, they are bulky waste. The large-volume containers, which are regularly distributed across the whole territory of the City of Prague, are dedicated to such waste returning. The lists of collecting points and schedules of distribution (information in Czech only) are published by appropriate Authorities of City Districts (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only). Furthermore, for returning of such waste one can use collecting yards of the City of Prague and collecting yards of certain City Districts (Prague 4, Prague 6, and Prague 15).


Mirrors may not be put into collecting containers for glass because they include a metal layer, which prevents their use for glass recycling. Therefore mirrors should be put to into containers for mixed waste and in case the mirror is too large to fit into such container then it should be treated as bulky waste. For this type of waste the large-volume containers, which are regularly distributed across the entire territory of the City of Prague, should be used. The lists of collecting points and schedules of distribution (information in Czech only) are published by appropriate Authorities of City Districts (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only). Furthermore, for returning of such waste one can use collecting yards of the City of Prague and collecting yards of certain City Districts (Prague 4, Prague 6, and Prague 15).

zdewashbasins, bath tubs, and toilet bowls

Washbasins, bath tubs, and toilet bowls do not fall into any of the categories of sorted waste and do not fit into the collecting containers for mixed waste. They are bulky waste. For this type of waste the large-volume containers, which are regularly distributed across the entire territory of the City of Prague, should be used. The lists of collecting points and schedules of distribution (information in Czech only) are published by appropriate Authorities of City Districts (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only). Furthermore, for returning of such waste one can use collecting yards of the City of Prague and collecting yards of certain City Districts (Prague 4, Prague 6, and Prague 15).

zdeold sports gear and equipment

Old sports gear and equipment of larger size (as skies, snowboards, muscle-conditioning machines) cannot be returned into collecting containers for mixed municipal waste. They are bulky waste. For this type of waste the large-volume containers, which are regularly distributed across the entire territory of the City of Prague, should be used. The lists of collecting points and schedules of distribution (information in Czech only) are published by appropriate Authorities of City Districts (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only). Furthermore, for returning of such waste one can use collecting yards of the City of Prague and collecting yards of certain City Districts (Prague 4, Prague 6, and Prague 15). Smaller sports gear (skates, tennis rackets) or parts of such gear and equipment can be returned into containers for mixed waste.

zdevehicle glass

Vehicle glass shall not be put into the containers for glass because it contains inseparable additives (resins, protective films, toning metal coatings), which prevents from its use for glass recycling. Therefore vehicle glass represents bulky waste. For this type of waste the large-volume containers, which are regularly distributed across the entire territory of the City of Prague, should be used. The lists of locations and schedules of distribution (information in Czech only) are published by appropriate Authorities of City Districts (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only). Furthermore, for returning of such waste one can use collecting yards of the City of Prague and collecting yards of certain City Districts (Prague 4, Prague 6, and Prague 15).


Pneumatics are not to be put either into collecting containers for plastics either into collecting containers for mixed waste. They represent waste, which is hard to process, and which can be returned to collecting yards of the City of Prague (for a charge). Section 38 of the Act No. 185/2001 Code imposes, inter alia, the duty on the importer or producer to take back pneumatics and other products. The final retailer of such a product has the obligation to inform the customer, while selling the product, on the way of the taking back of discarded products and if the retailer has failed in providing the information he/she is obliged to take the product back themselves. The taking back shall be carried out without any charge required from the customer and points of the taking back must accessible by the consumer the same way as the points of sale. The returned product must be dealt with in accordance with the Act No. 185/2001 Code.

zdedemolition waste, rubble

Demolition waste or rubble from activities of natural entities can be returned to collecting yards of the City of Prague; one can deposit only 1 m3 rubble per month in a collecting yard. Details on the management of demolition waste in the City of Prague are regulated in Section 11 of the Ordinance of the Capital City of Prague No. 24/2001 Code. In the case of a reconstruction, which is carried out by a company, then this company is the waste producer and therefore the company has all the obligations of a waste producer (Section 16 of the Act No. 185/2001 Code).

zdebiological waste

Biologically degradable waste (biological waste) is, first of all, composted. If an inhabitant does not possess his/her own composting machine or has not place to put compost on he/she can deliver biological waste to the nearest collecting yard or directly to a composting facility. Some of the Authorities of City Districts (Note: official communication and forms in Czech only) provide for regular distribution of special containers for biological waste. (At present there is a pilot project for the separated collection of biological waste ongoing in the testing area of Dolní Chabry in Prague.)

zdeincandescent and fluorescent lamps

Incandescent and fluorescent lamps shall not be put either into the collecting containers for glass either for mixed waste. Because of their contents of hazardous substances they are hazardous waste. Incandescent and fluorescent lamps may be returned to collecting yards of the City of Prague, to stationary collecting points for hazardous waste, or to  /information in Czech only/, and not broken. Section 38 of the Act No. 185/2001 Code imposes, inter alia, the duty on the importer or producer to take back incandescent and fluorescent lamps. The final retailer of such a product has the obligation to inform the customer, while selling the product, on the way of the taking back of discarded products and if the retailer has failed in providing the information he/she is obliged to take the product back themselves. The taking back shall be carried out without any charge required from the customer and points of the taking back must accessible by the consumer the same way as the points of sale. The returned product must be dealt with in accordance with the Act No. 185/2001 Code.

zderefrigerators, freezers

Refrigerating equipment used in households (refrigerators and freezers) is electrical scrap, in most cases contaminated with hazardous substances (for instance, compressor oil, or chlorofluorocarbons (freons) destroying the Earth ozone layer in older types) and therefore it forms hazardous waste. Inhabitants may return refrigerators to collecting yards of the City of Prague, to stationary collecting points for hazardous waste, or to mobile collecting points for hazardous waste. Section 38 of the Act No. 185/2001 Code imposes, inter alia, the duty on the importer or producer to take back refrigerators used in households (since 1 January 2003) and other products. The final retailer of such a product has the obligation to inform the customer, while selling the product, on the way of the taking back of discarded products and, if the retailer has failed in providing the information, he/she is obliged to take the product back themselves. The taking back shall be carried out without any charge required from the customer and points of the taking back must accessible by the consumer the same way as the points of sale. The returned product must be dealt with in accordance with the Act No. 185/2001 Code.

zdevehicle accumulators and batteries

Electric accumulators (vehicle batteries) contain very substantial amounts of lead, mercury, cadmium, and sulphuric acid, therefore they are hazardous waste. Vehicle accumulators can be fully recycled. Inhabitants may return them to collecting yards of the City of Prague, to stationary collecting points for hazardous waste, or to  /information in Czech only/. Section 38 of the Act No. 185/2001 Code imposes, inter alia, the duty on the importer or producer to take back electric accumulators and other products. The final retailer of such a product has the obligation to inform the customer, while selling the product, on the way of the taking back of discarded products and if the retailer has failed in providing the information he/she is obliged to take the product back themselves. The taking back shall be carried out  without any charge required from the customer and points of the taking back must accessible by the consumer the same way as the points of sale. The returned product must be dealt with in accordance with the Act No. 185/2001 Code.

zdepaints, lacquers, solvents, motor oils, and packages thereof

Paints, solvents, oils and greases (except for edible ones), acids, hydroxides, photochemicals, pesticides, adhesives, glues, and resins, detergents and degreasing agents are due to their dangerous properties j (for example as explosiveness, toxicity, aggressivity, corrosiveness, mutagenity) hazardous waste. This type of waste may not be disposed either into the collecting containers for mixed waste either into containers for sorted waste (this also holds for empty packages thereof). They can be returned to collecting yards of the City of Prague, , to stationary collecting points for hazardous waste, or to  /information in Czech only/. Section 38 of the Act No. 185/2001 Code imposes, inter alia, the duty on the importer or producer to take back mineral oils and oils produced from bituminous minerals (spent motor oil, for instance), and other products. The final retailer of such a product has the obligation to inform the customer while selling the product on the way of the taking back of discarded products and if the retailer has failed in providing the information he/she is obliged to take the product back themselves. The taking back shall be carried out  without any charge required from the customer and  points of the taking back must accessible by the consumer the same way as the points of sale. The returned product must be dealt with in accordance with the Act No. 185/2001 Code.

zdetelevision sets and PC monitors

Television sets, PC monitors and other screens may not be disposed either into the collecting containers for mixed waste either into containers for bulky waste. This type of waste can be returned to collecting yards of the City of Prague.

zdecomputers and other electrical scrap

Discarded computers and other electronic equipment contain, among others, cadmium, mercury, and polychlorinated biphenyls, therefore forming hazardous waste, and may not be disposed either into the collecting containers for mixed waste either into containers for bulky waste. This type of waste can be returned to collecting yards of the City of Prague.

zdeelectric appliances

Discarded electrical appliances (for instance, electric kettles, blenders and mixers, hair dryers, washing machines, dishwashers, microwave ovens) contain substantial amounts of metals, which can be recycled. This type of waste therefore may not be disposed either into the collecting containers for mixed waste either into containers for sorted waste yet it can be returned to collecting yards of the City of Prague.

zdebatteries, accumulators, and cells

Batteries, accumulators, and cells (galvanic  cells) contain very significant amounts of hazardous substances (for example, as cadmium, cobalt, and nickel) and therefore they are hazardous waste, which can neither be disposed into collecting containers for mixed municipal waste nor into collecting containers for sorted waste. They can be retuned to collecting yards of the City of Prague, to stationary collecting points for hazardous waste, or to  /information in Czech only/, yet also at authorities of City Districts, children can dispose them at elementary and secondary schools. Section 38 of the Act No. 185/2001 Code imposes, inter alia, the duty on the importer or producer to take back galvanic cells, batteries, accumulators and other products. The final retailer of such a product has the obligation to inform the customer while selling the product on the way of the taking back of discarded products and if the retailer has failed in providing the information he/she is obliged to take the product back themselves. The taking back shall be carried out  without any charge required from the customer and  points of the taking back must accessible by the consumer the same way as the points of sale. The returned product must be dealt with in accordance with the Act No. 185/2001 Code.

zdeexpired medicines

Medicines, drugs, and unused cytostatics form hazardous waste and cannot be disposed into collecting containers for mixed waste. This waste can be disposed by returning it to every pharmacy on the territory of the City of Prague, additionally also to collecting yards of the City of Prague, to stationary collecting points for hazardous waste, or to  /information in Czech only/.

zdebroken mercury-filled thermometers

Broken mercury-filled thermometers are hazardous waste. Mercury is highly volatile toxic substance; in case a thermometer is broken, inhalation of dangerous vapours shall be avoided. Mercury drops can be collected by means of a moist paper and then put into a container under water level to prevent further evaporation of mercury. This way secured waste can be disposed to collecting yards of the City of Prague, to stationary collecting points for hazardous waste or to  /information in Czech only/, yet also to every pharmacy on the territory of the City of Prague.


13. října 2005
13. října 2005