Jiří Sozanský: Skelets
Jiří Sozanský: Skelety
10. 6. - 19. 9. 2010
"Jiří Sozanský‘s art is fully in agreement with his time. He made his entry as an artist in the mid-
1970s, in a period of culminating normalization and repression of artists' freedom. From the very
beginning with his art he vented his rejection of all forms of violence, arbitrariness and ideological
dictates, which encroach on human rights and human dignity.
A non-conformist artist, he is known for his clear-cut ideas and attitudes, which he vents in large
multi-media projects, always connected with a specific place. Sozanský‘s activities in unusual
places enlivened the arts scene in the 1970s. He addressed the "normalizing" society, regardless of
considerable personal hazards.
Curator: PhDr. Jiří Machalický
The concept of the exhibition: arch. David Vávra
Jiří Sozanský: Mother`s portrait; 1980