2014 Grants



Grants are designated exclusively for supporting convention tourism within the City of Prague.

Grants may only be awarded for conventions of 1 500 or more attendees who are to spend at least two nights in Prague and 50% of whom are from abroad.


2nd Round

announced on the basis of Prague City Council Resolution no. 635 OF 1 APRIL 2014,


Detailed information can be found under the Principles for Provisions of City of Prague Grants in Field of Convention Tourism for 2014, which are available along with the application form (in Czec here:

 Principles for Provisions of City of Prague Grants in Field of Convention Tourism for 2014-2nd round.pdf

Application for City of Prague grant in the field of convention tourism for 2014-2nd round.doc

Sample agreement on provision of a grant-2nd round.pdf

Sample account statement form for grant in the field of convention tourism for 2014.doc


1st Round 2014

announced on the basis of Prague City Council Resolution no. 1738 of 1 October 2013



Principles for Provisions of City of Prague Grants in Field of Convention Tourism for 2014 -1st round.pdf

Sample agreement on provision of a grant - 1st round.pdf

Sample account statement form for grant in the field of convention tourism for 2014.doc


7. října 2013
7. října 2013