‘V Praze jako doma’ tourism campaign successfully continues

'V Praze jako doma', the campaign supporting tourism in Prague and to reduce the negative economic consequences of coronavirus, has been very successful. Thanks to the campaign, almost 60,000 people came to the Czech capital this summer, mainly from the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. There have been very positive responses to the programme. The City of Prague, along with Prague City Tourism, will therefore extend the campaign until the end of December this year.


The programme extension is possible thanks to a its many benefits and a well-organised system. It will also support Christmas tourism and have special Christmas offers. According to representatives of Prague City Tourism, visitors to Prague can avail of many benefits and free admissions. However, a lot of these have not been used and will be returned to circulation for possible further use. Therefore, the campaign can run for three months longer than originally planned.

More than 400 hotels have joined the campaign and visitors to Prague can use their free tickets for almost eighty tourist attractions, including museums, galleries and historic sites. During the summer, the most visited attractions were Prague Zoo, Prague Castle and Petřín Lookout Tower.

For further information about the campaign, please visit: https://www.pragueunlocked.eu/.

22. září 2020
22. září 2020