Top motion design visits Prague

Are you interested in graphic design, animation and video? If so, don't miss the Mouvo motion design festival.

The best graphic design, animation and video in the industry will be presented on the 21st and the 22nd of February in the Archa Theatre in Prague.

Once again, the Mouvo Festival will introduce pioneers, world-renowned creators, talented designers and producers from throughout the world who want to collaborate, network with like-minded artists, inspire and be inspired.

“We always try to broaden the focus of Mouva. We started out as a motion design conference, but years later, the scope is significantly wider. This year’s concept in particular offers a number of themes for designers, animators and filmmakers, for strategists and market researchers, but also game developers, illustrators, coders and artists,” Vlaďka Cimbálníková, the festival’s producer, said.


The festival’s rich two-day programme will demonstrate how great design is created and participants will entertain visitors as they work. The festival will focus on entertainment aspects of design, presenting new approaches to video games, television, music videos, live shows and interactive installations. You will learn to appreciate entertainment in a different way and think of design as a game.


Graphics in motion

What does motion design mean? It is definitely one of the latest and quickest developing areas of graphic design. By using modern technology and media, it interconnects graphic design, animation and video. However, its elements also have a much broader scope.


Famous guests

The successful Irish animator and game designer, David OReilly, is among the biggest stars at the festival. He is known for his games ‘Mountain’ and ‘Everything’. In addition to interactive projects, he creates short animated films, and he has also worked on the feature film ‘Her’, as well as on music productions for groups such as U2.

John Likens is also visiting, representing the US media industry. He plays an important role in the visual identity of many Hollywood movies as a design director, and also creates special effects and graphic sequences in films. You can admire his work in ‘Robocop’, ‘Iron Man 3’, ‘Deadpool 2’ and the ‘Taboo’ series.



Mouvo Lab will once again share information with exclusive workshops with lecturers from abroad.

For further information, please visit:

20. února 2020
20. února 2020