The unique sounds of Lee Patterson

Prague City Gallery is preparing a very unusual concert. On the 26th of March in 'Dům U Kamenného zvonu' (The Stone Bell House) in 'Staroměstské náměstí' (Old Town Square), the British artist Lee Patterson will bring you the world of his art. This musician, sound artist and designer of experimental musical instruments could possibly be described as a sound sculptor. Patterson lives and works in Prestwich near Manchester, UK.

A wonderful music adventure

His performances are always a great experience. Patterson uses original methods and various tools to create and reveal complex and unexpected sounds. Instead of classical musical instruments, Patterson plays with objects, which seem soundless, and listens to the sounds they make in various situations, and the unusual sounds he captures compose his music.

It might seem incredible. For example, imagine the sound of pebbles hitting off each other, the bubbling of a spring, the crackling of burning seeds and shells, the mysterious sounds of insect and plant life at the bottom of a pool, the vibrations of bridges and metal railings, the fizzing of limestone dissolving in a glass of water...

In short, Patterson is particularly interested in things and situations that people would usually not pay much attention to and which seem banal and inaudible. And that is how a wonderful musical adventure is created.


How does he do it?

How can all these sensual and specific sounds emerge from all this? The artist uses standard analogue recording devices, especially contact microphones and hydrophones, along with his own ‘music boxes’. As these ordinary objects and materials in his hands make sounds, they transmit energy and transform into unique musical instruments. In his hands, the special music of our everyday existence takes shape.


Experimental global cooperation

This world-renowned music artist works with some of today's most respected experimental musicians and artists, such as Mika Vainio, Jennifer Walshe, Vanessa Rossetto, David Toop, Rhodri Davies and John Butcher. His work was broadcast on television in Great Britain, and in radio stations around the world.

Do not miss this remarkable opportunity to enjoy listening to experimental music in the environment of a historic monument in the centre of Prague.



The concert is a part of the upcoming exhibition-project ‘ZVUKY, KÓDY, OBRAZY’ (SOUNDS, CODES, IMAGES). Prague City Gallery cooperates on this project with the Agosto Foundation and LOM Instruments from Bratislava.



26/03/2019 at 7PM



Dům U Kamenného zvonu (The Stone Bell House)

Staroměstské náměstí 13 (Old Town Square 13), Prague 1


Admission fees:

CZK 120 / 60 / 30


For more information, please visit

23. března 2019
23. března 2019