Priorities of Foreign Policy

In the international context, Prague is a European city; the maintenance and development of this position requires continuing care and focused international and internal effort.

The future of the Czech Republic personified, above all, by its membership in the European Union, is a vital interest of the City of Prague as it will play a great part in supporting the integration of the Czech Republic, both on the level of its own activities in the international context, and acting out its inherent role and authority on the domestic scene. For those reasons, the foreign policy priorities of the City of Prague are those related to the European integration ambitions of the Czech Republic:

  • establishment and development of the city´s position amongst European cities and regions by way of active bi- and multi-lateral relations,
  • aspecific and, subject to the city´s resources, maximum support to the European integration of the Czech Republic.

The foreign policy of Prague, if it is to reflect the city´s specific position, will profile particularly in the area of politics and culture. After a thorough analysis, the following priorities have been set for future activities of Prague in the foreign policy area:

  • to maintain and develop bi-lateral relations based on personal contacts, both on the level of elected representatives and employees of the City of Prague,
  • to draw on experience of other European capitals in tackling urgent as well as long-term urban problems (environment, transport, crime prevention, etc.),
  • to support the goodwill of the city and eliminate those elements which are perceived as harmful to the international reputation of the city,
  • to support co-operation with organisations and institutions which are in direct relation to the city or play a major role in the representation of the capital (e.g. Charles University and other cultural, heritage and miscellaneous organisations),
  • to use Prague's potential based on a long tradition and high level of culture to promote Czech culture abroad,
  • to promote international co-operation in the economic area.
21. června 2007
21. června 2007