Prague’s ferries at Vltava

There are currently three ferries in Prague. Some Praguers would, however, say that there are in fact four of them. Both groups are correct. Three ferries are part of Prague public transport and the last one is exceptional – you don’t use a tram season ticket to travel with it but surprisingly an ID.

The public transport line P-1 is a ferry that was founded on 1st July and leads from Sedlec to Zámky. It can be said that this ferry was in fact resurrected because it was used at the same place until the end of nineteen eighties. Later on operators lost interest because it didn’t pay. That’s how all ferries in Prague ceased existing.

Only after they were made part of subsidized public transport, people got the opportunity to cross river on them once again. A year later the line P-1 and also the line P-2 connecting Podbaba with Podhoří were created. Also at this location used to be a ferry until nineties eighties that was called Lysolajska. Both lines are run by První všeobecná člunovací společnost (First Universal Boat Company) which also opened one of unique ferries close to Charles Bridge. The ferry is free of charge for everyone who proves himself/herself to be a citizen of Prague 1. This can be done by an ID where a permanent residency is stated. First Universal Boat Company also runs various cruisers under Charles Bridge.

The third, or to be more correct the fourth ferry, that is called P-3 runs between Lihovar and Žlute lázně (Yellow Spa). It is operated by the company Vittus Group that uses other type of boat then the other ferries. On all of them transport of bicycle is possible and public transport ticket is valid. Any of operators didn’t respond to the question if there are ticket inspectors to be seen on ferries.

21. června 2008
21. června 2008