Prague City Gallery offers a series of lectures on art

Prague City Gallery is examining current trends in art history, which emphasises transnational perspectives under the terms 'global art history' and 'world art studies'.

A series of lectures devoted to this themeis taking place in the ‘Dům U Kamenného zvonu’ until the middle of May. For the lecture series entitled “Global Art History”, renowned historians from abroad will come to Prague. They will lecture in English and interpretations will be provided. They will focus on the impact of transnationalism on 19th and 20th century art.

Artists across continents

The next lecture will be held on the 20th of March 2019. Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll, Professor of Global Art History at the University of Birmingham, will introduce the transnational nature of property relations between museums, artists and their descendants. As an example of the transnational movement of art, the professor will discuss the key moments in the history of one object from a Czech collection from the beginning of the 16th century to the present.

Confused History of Art

In another lecture, Matthias Weiß, Professor in the Department of Art History at the Freie Universität in Berlin, will give a lecture named ‘Confused History of Art? Rethinking the Terms Chinoiserie and “Europerie” between 1749 and 1902’. It is clear from the lecture title that the professor will concentrate on the artistic connection between China and Europe (Chinoiserie is the European imitation of Chinese and East Asian art). China and Europe inspired each other artistically, most significantly in the 18thcentury.As Professor Weiß will explain, these relationships worked both ways, which can be demonstrated by analysing the (so-called) Western mansions (XīyángLóu) in the Old Summer Palace in Beijing, and by the production of china for export. By studying of how porcelain travelled across the world, the lecture will enable a better understanding of the changes in relations between China and Europe from the 18th century to the early 20th century. It will also explain traditional ideas that outlived these changes - such as the myth, that porcelain was used as a building material.

Who else will lecture?

Speakers include: Prof. Dr. Dr. Tanja Zimmermann, an art and literature historian in the University of Leipzig; Barbara Vujanović, Ph. D., an art historian and curator from Zagreb; and Prof. Dr. Andrea von Hülsen-Esch, a professor in the Institute of Art History in the University of Düsseldorf.


Prague City Gallery prepared this lecture series in conjunction with the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Everyone is welcome to come and listen to and discuss the lectures.


Lectures in the series:

20/03/2019 at 6PM

Prof. Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll: ‘Umělci tvořící napříč kontinenty’ (Artists Creating Works across Continents)


03/04/2019 at 6PM

Prof. Dr. Tanja Zimmermann: ‘Poválečný concept naivismu v umění. Most mezi socialistickým realismem a nefigurativním uměním’ (The Postwar Concept of Naivism in Art - Bridge between Socialist Realism and Non-figurative Art)


17/04/2019 at 6PM

Barbara Vujanović, Ph. D.: ‘Ivan Meštrović: chorvatský sochař na křižovatce politiky a umění’ (Ivan Meštrović : Croatian Sculptor at the Crossroads of Politics and Art)


02/05/2019 at 6PM

Prof. Dr. Andrea von Hülsen-Esch: ‘Galerie Der Sturm v Berlíně: centrum umělecké avantgardy’ (Galerie Der Sturmy in Berlin: The Centre of Artistic Avant-garde)


15/05/2019 at 6PM

Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß: ‘Popletené dějiny umění? Přehodnocení pojmů chinoiserie a a „europerie“ mezi lety 1749–1902’ (Confused History of Art? Rethinking the Terms Chinoiserie and "Europerie" between 1749 and 1902)



Venue: Dům U Kamenného zvonu (Stone Bell House), Music Hall

Staroměstské náměstí (Old Town Square) 605/13

Prague 1 – Staré Město (Old Town)


Admission Free

20. března 2019
20. března 2019