Exhibition on Screen: Introducing the young Picasso

On the 31st of March 2019, a project dedicated to the early works of Pablo Picasso will be screened in Lucerna cinema as part of the Exhibition on Screen series.

Directed by Phil Grabsky, who is dedicated to exhibiting fine art through film, this series brings world renowned paintings to cinema screens. The cycle presents the most interesting exhibitions from prestigious galleries around the world. This time, the director focused on three galleries in Malaga, Barcelona and Paris.


A talented young man from Malaga

These three cities played a key role in the artist's life. Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad  Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, and at the age of fourteen, he passed the entrance exam for the advanced class in the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona with excellent results. Apart from studying, he was a frequent visitor to Els Quatre Gats, where he associated with young intellectuals.


Rough years in Paris

Picasso had a hard time in Paris, the capital of art at the time. He lived with the poet Max Jacob, and they shared not only one apartment, but also a single bed; the poet slept at night and worked during the day, while Picasso, the night owl, did the exact opposite, so they could sleep in turns. They were so poor that in order to keep warm, they had to burn some of Picasso’s paintings. However, the painter's fame slowly began to rise…


Young Picasso

Many films have dealt with Picassos’ later years – his art, his affairs, and his wide circle of friends. Grabsky, however, concentrates on Picasso’s earlier years. Focusing on some of his early works, Grabsky explores the influences that formed the young painter. The film looks closely at two key periods, the Blue Period and the Rose Period, and it brings us all the way to 1907, when the painter shocked the art world with his painting ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’. When Picasso painted it, he was only 25 years old. Working closely with the three Picasso Museums in Malaga, Barcelona and Paris, this film explains how he rose to great heights.

More information about the film series in Czech on the website: www.prenosydokin.cz/exhibition


Film series ‘Světové malířství na plátnech kin’ (World Painting on Cinema Screens):

31/03/2019: Young Picasso / premiere

14/04/2019: Rembrandt

05/05/2019: Michelangelo

02/06/2019 Van Gogh & Japan / premiere



31/03/2019 at 4:30PM

Venue : Kino Lucerna

Vodičkova 36, Prague 1



Adults: CZK 250

Students/Seniors: CZK 200

27. března 2019
27. března 2019