‘Culture at Home’ offers content in one place

Due to the coronavirus crisis, the cultural scene has been forced to move online from theatres, clubs, museums and concert halls. A platform that brings online cultural content together has recently been created. The project, launched on the 12th of April, is called 'Kultura doma'('Culture at Home').

The ‘Culture at Home’ creators’ primary goal is to offer a user-friendly database of all artistic online productions, making it easier for viewers to find cultural events.

This online non-profit project also aims to financially support artists by allowing them to collect admission fees for their performances. A percentage of this income will be donated to the Czech Red Cross to help in the fight against coronavirus.


Accessible platform

How does it work? It is very simple – you can register for free and the platform is available to everyone who wants to show their work to the public. Everyone is welcome, whether you are a famous artist, part of the alternative scene or just starting out.

It is definitely worth visiting the Culture at Home website. The creators of the project promise live music, plays, lectures, circuses and other cultural activities.

For further information, please visit: https://www.kulturadoma.cz/en.

17. dubna 2020
17. dubna 2020