American Spring music festival online

The jubilee 15th American Spring International Music Festival ('Americké jaro') will take place with an online programme. If you can't come to the festival, the festival will come to you! Enjoy a variety of concerts in your pyjamas and with a glass of wine in the comfort of your home on the 11th, 14th and 19th of May. The festival will start online and continue live in the autumn.

The festival has taken place throughout the Czech Republic annually since 2006. The festival programme includes jazz, classical music, film, and theatre performances by top artists in Prague and other cities. Workshops and discussions on current issues are also offered as part of the programme. The festival connects culture and international relations between the Czech Republic and the United States.


First broadcast

Kenny Werner, legendary American composer and jazz pianist, will open the festival with an online concert on the 11th of May. You can watch the concert on as part of the #kulturažije series.Werner’s songs, recordings and publications are popular worldwide. He is the holder of the Guggenheim Fellowship for original work and has won several Grammy Awards.


Second performance

On the 14th of May, you can listen to a unique performance of Goldberg Variations by Dan Tepfer, the New York-Parisian pianist, who is one of the greatest talents of his generation, also as part of the #kulturažije series on


Solo concert

Pianist Aaron Parks will give a solo concert on the 19th of May. Parks achieved a real success in 2008 with his fifth album ‘Invisible Cinema’, released by Blue Note.

For further information, please visit: 

10. května 2020
10. května 2020