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Celkem záznamů: 195527
Praha odmění nálezce pokladu

7.2.2012 — Hlavní město se rozhodlo odměnit tři nálezce stříbrného pokladu v domě v ulici Duškova na Praze 5. Každý ze tří nálezců pokladu tak dostane od města 200 tisíc korun. Cenný poklad byl zřejmě uložen za 2. světové války a objeven dne 16. 11. 2008 během provádění opravy mezipatrové podesty budovy.

Take part in Etnopiknik at Náprstek Museum

16.8.2019 — Náprstek Museum has prepared an interesting event for its visitors - Etnopiknik, which will take place on the 17th of August. In one day and one place, you will have the opportunity to get to know various non-European cultures with all your senses.

Czech Museum of Music commemorates famous tenor Karel Burian

28.2.2020 — The Czech Museum of Music, which is part of the National Museum, is hosting an exhibition on the famous opera singer Karel Burian until the 2nd of March.

Museum Kampa

18.2.2010 — pozvánka na přednášky

Czech Police Museum collecting facemasks for exhibition

31.5.2020 — Wearing a facemask, respirator or bandana has become a new standard in the Czech Republic due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is mandatory to cover your nose and mouth from the 19th of March, with some exceptions. The Czech Police Museum is creating an original collection of masks to exhibit. Due to a lack of masks and because they are mandatory, some people started to make them at home.

The National Museum invites you to the Pantheon, one of the most beautiful halls in the country

9.1.2020 — On the 11th of January, you will have the unique opportunity to explore the newly renovated interior of the Historical Building of the National Museum. The tour ends with a visit to the Pantheon, one of the most extraordinary halls in the Czech Republic.