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Celkem záznamů: 3860
Music Walks on Sundays at Prague Zoo

14.6.2020 — 'Hudební vycházky' (Music Walks) are outdoor classical music concerts which take place in Prague Zoo in front of Gočár's Houses. After fourteen successful years, the event has become a traditional part of summer at the zoo. Not only animal lovers, but also classical music fans, will be at the zoo every Sunday until the beginning of October. The open-air concerts will take place once again in front of Gočár's Houses at the top of the zoo for two hours on Sundays. More and more music lovers seek out the event for its informal setting and quality music.

Tigress Arila arrives at Prague ZOO

27.8.2019 — The "widowed" Siberian tiger Rádža is getting a new partner. The tigress Arila came to Prague from Germany and can be seen in the enclosure at the top of the zoo.

Prague Botanical Garden offers new wine and a book about St. Claire’s Vineyard

29.6.2019 — This year, Prague Botanical Garden in Troja is celebrating its 50th anniversary. As part of the year-long celebrations, a new collection of wine, Cuvée Natalis, and a book about the vineyard, 'Vinice sv. Kláry 365', are now available to visitors.

Prague Planetarium offers new adventure for explorers of all ages

11.7.2020 — When making your plans for the summer, be sure to include Prague Planetarium on your schedule. You will be able to enjoy new shows and see the stars, as well as virtually visit the surface of Venus, among other places. Prague Planetarium is one of the largest planetariums in the world, and the only one of its kind in the Czech Republic. The main hall, Cosmorama, is 23.5 metres wide and its dome reaches a height of 15 metres, and it seats 210 spectators.

Chabr: Do roku 2025 postavíme v Praze 100 rychlých nabíjecích stanic pro auta

24.3.2022 — 24. 3. 2022, Online, novinky.cz, Jan Chabr​

Pracovní skupina na pražské radnici bude hned po Velikonocích jednat o dalších krocích podpory pro podnikatele v hlavním městě

9.4.2020 — V úterý 14. dubna se podruhé sejde pracovní skupina, aby sestavila další konkrétní kroky podpory pro pražské podnikatele. Ve skupině jsou zástupci koalice i opozice, hlavním cílem skupiny je sjednotit postup. Hlavním tématem bude urychlení pomoci ve prospěch podnikatelských subjektů.

O dopravě v Praze bych se rád bavil bez populistických výkřiků, přeje si primátor Hřib

4.1.2022 — 4. 1. 2022, Online, radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz, Český rozhlas, Zdeněk Hřib

Na běhání připraven! Primátor Hřib nejen o roli startéra maratonu

7.5.2022 — 7. 5. 2022, Online, runczech.com, Zdeněk Hřib