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Celkem záznamů: 7840
Začal festival Prague Pride pod záštitou hlavního města, Praha vyvěsila duhovou vlajku

7.8.2023 — V pondělí ráno v 8:00 hodin vyvěsili představitelé hlavního města Prahy na budovu Nové radnice duhovou vlajku. Dali tak symbolicky najevo podporu festivalu Prague Pride, který se tento týden koná na různých místech v Praze. V pondělí večer pak zazáří Petřínská rozhledna duhovými barvami.

Prague Has New Ordinance for Street Art Production - Busking

8.1.2020 — Information on the operation of public street artistic production (busking) in Prague with regard to the new legislation in effect since 1 March 2016 - City of Prague Decree No. 1/2016 Coll. on restrictive measures to protect local public order in connection with the operation of public street artistic production in public places.

Take part in public biathlon race in Prague

13.2.2020 — Are you interested in trying a biathlon? On the 15th of February, you will have the unique opportunity to take part in ČEZ Handy Biathlon for everyone in the Vypich area in Prague. Come to race and have fun, while at the same time supporting people with disabilities.

Aerobiological monitoring of air in Prague

21.6.2007 — The Prague Pollen Monitoring Station of the Czech Pollen Information Service was put into operation in March 1993. The graphs presented demonstrate concentrations of the most significant airborne pollen allergens in Prague air during the last six years.

Dvorak’s Prague 2017 - International Music Festival

30.8.2017 — The festival, which takes place in Prague from September 7th to 23rd, 2017, presents a tribute by top Czech and foreign artists to one of the greatest composers of all time - Antonín Dvořák.


6.1.2010 — long-term exhibition