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Top speedway racers will compete at Markéta Speedway Stadium

15.6.2019 — On Saturday, the 15th of June 2019, the next round of the prestigious FIM Speedway Grand Prix, the World Championship of Individuals, will take place at Markéta Speedway Stadium. The 23rd annual Speedway World Championship in the Czech Republic will be the third round in the Speedway Grand Prix. The first race took place in May in Warsaw, and the next round will be in Krško, Slovenia.

Prague Invites Spectators Back into Theatres Through Virtual Reality

31.3.2021 — Prague City Hall, together with the Brainz Studios creative group, has today presented the globally unique service called Brejlando. It will offer experimental theatre experiences to its spectators in virtual reality (VR). With the help of state-of-the-art technologies and borrowed VR glasses, everyone can immerse in watching selected performances from Prague theatres from the comfort of their homes, as well as from a completely new angle - right from the stage, in close vicinity to the actors. The service is intended to help theatres and their fans overcome these difficult times of limited operation. However, at the same time, the initiators believe that they are establishing a new international trend that can become a permanent part of the theatres' offer.

Open Gardens Weekend in Troja Château

31.5.2020 — On the 6th and 7th of June, Prague City Gallery invites you to visit the Troja Château Gardens, the gallery's first public event after the reopening, as part of the Open Gardens Weekend.

Illustrators head to Prague

20.9.2019 — LUSTR, the international festival of contemporary illustration, takes place from the 19th to the 24th of September in Campus Hybernská. This year, the theme of the festival is freedom. The festival is an exhibition of current original illustration. Both the main and accompanying programmes point out key issues in today's society.

Smart and inexpensive transport during European Mobility Week

16.9.2019 — European Mobility Week is the world's largest sustainable mobility campaign. The campaign, which has been held since 2002, will take place from the 16th to the 22ndof September. European Mobility Week is organised in dozens of European cities as an initiative of the European Commission. It aims to offer city inhabitants alternative modes of transport, and to show them ways to travel around the city quickly and cleverly.

‘Thank You Czech Technicians’ for fighting the virus

29.6.2020 — 'Thank you Czech technicians' is an exhibition in the National Technical Museum, which expresses their gratitude to Czechs technicians for their help during the coronavirus pandemic. The exhibition will be open in the museum building in Letná until the 30th of September.

Dance for half an hour a day with famous choreographer

9.4.2020 — Going to sport centres has become impossible due to the coronavirus pandemic, and exercising outdoors is even limited at the moment. However, thanks to modern technology, there is no need to despair. You can stretch your body properly in the comfort of your own home.