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Celkem záznamů: 7837
Advent and Christmas preparations in Prague Zoo

30.11.2019 — The Christmas tree in Prague Zoo will officially be lit up on Sunday, the 1st of December. Advent in Prague Zoo will be dedicated to producing presents for the animals.

73 buildings open their doors for Open House Prague 2020

31.8.2020 — This year, the Open House Prague urban architecture festival will take place on the weekend of the 5th and 6th September. A total of 73 architecturally interesting buildings and spaces will be open free of admission to the public.

Mládě luskouna krátkoocasého je samička, jméno vybere veřejnost

9.7.2024 — Teprve druhé mládě luskouna v Evropě, které minulý týden v noci na 1. července 2024 přišlo na svět v Zoo Praha, je samičkou. Zjištění pražských chovatelů potvrdili na základě zaslaných fotografií i odborníci z tchajwanské Taipei Zoo.

Visitors head to Prague swimming pools Šutka and Strahov

30.5.2020 — As part of the fourth wave of the release of coronavirus measures, both natural and artificial swimming pools (indoor and outdoor) are allowed to open. This also applies to Strahov swimming pool and Šutka water park, which both opened to visitors after a few months of closure on the 25th of May.

Traffic measures on the Vršovická and Otakarova roads

21.2.2020 — From the 22nd of February 2020, transport measures will be introduced due to ongoing reconstruction works on railway bridges across Vršovická and Otakarova streets for the optimization of Prague Hostivař - Prague Main Railway Station. The transport measures will take place in two stages.