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Celkem záznamů: 276740
The Week of Brain in the Czech Academy of Sciences

10.3.2019 — Lectures on new discoveries in neuroscience, as well as an accompanying programme that popularises this research, will take place during 'Týden mozku' (The Week of Brain), from the 11th to the 17th of March 2019.

Anketa pro cestující

20.10.2009 — Málokteré oslavy se obejdou bez ohňostrojů, hudby a veselí. Východisko oslav, které pořádá Studentská unie UK ke 20. výročí sametové revoluce

Běchovický potok

31.8.2009 — Aktualizovaný popis trasy podél Běchovického potoka, stav k 8/2009 (součást aplikace Po Praze podél potoků).


15.10.2007 — Po Praze podél potoků - Běchovický potok. Aktualizovaný popis k 9/2007.

The National Museum has a unique new collection of Paleozoic fossils

31.1.2019 — The National Museum in Prague has one of the largest paleontological collections in Europe. Now, the collection has expanded with even more specimens. For last year's 200th anniversary, the Museum received a unique gift - a collection of fossils of Tertiary flora and fauna.

Physical aspects of radio broadcasting in the art of Roman Štětina

15.1.2019 — Until the 24th of February 2019, you can visit an unusual exhibition of audiovisual works by the gifted young artist Roman Štětina in Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, one of the exceptional Baroque mansions in the Old Town. Roman Štětina has been focused on radio since the beginning of his career. In this exhibition, created in cooperation with fashion designer Mia Jadrná, he highlights the gradual disappearance of audio technology and the hidden art of radio professionals. His main interest lies in what precedes encounters with broadcasted sound - what exists in the "foreword."