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Celkem záznamů: 21162
Style Evenings in New Town Hall

14.4.2019 — The Harmonia Praga Chamber Orchestra has organised the sixth annual series of concerts, called Style Evenings, in the 'Novoměstská radnice' (New Town Hall).

Australian and New Zealand film festival in Prague

31.10.2019 — The 6th annual Aussie & Kiwi Film Fest introduces lesser-known cinematography from Australia and New Zealand to audiences in Prague. Aussie is an English slang term for Australians, and Kiwi is slang for New Zealanders. The festival takes place from the 1st to the 6th of November in Lucerna, Atlas and Ponrepo cinemas.

Designblok 2016

24.10.2016 —

Dokáže dobro doběhnout zlo?

3.12.2013 — V Praze se utkají elementární síly v běžeckém duelu. Symbolicky na Čertovce u mlýna ve čtvrtek 5. prosince v 18 hodin bude zahájen netradiční běžecký trénink.