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Celkem záznamů: 5263
Dance for half an hour a day with famous choreographer

9.4.2020 — Going to sport centres has become impossible due to the coronavirus pandemic, and exercising outdoors is even limited at the moment. However, thanks to modern technology, there is no need to despair. You can stretch your body properly in the comfort of your own home.

Smart and inexpensive transport during European Mobility Week

16.9.2019 — European Mobility Week is the world's largest sustainable mobility campaign. The campaign, which has been held since 2002, will take place from the 16th to the 22ndof September. European Mobility Week is organised in dozens of European cities as an initiative of the European Commission. It aims to offer city inhabitants alternative modes of transport, and to show them ways to travel around the city quickly and cleverly.

Exhibition of Jan Saudek’s photographs in Malostranská beseda

12.7.2020 — Malostranská beseda has prepared a unique exhibition of photographs to celebrate the world-renowned photographer Jan Saudek's 85th birthday. Due to great popularity, the exhibition has been extended until the end of July. The exhibition includes 85 images from the artist's career, some of which have never been exhibited or published before. Saudek's correspondence and notes are also displayed.

Canadian musician Cad Clyde in Café V lese

4.8.2019 — Cat Clyde, a talented Canadian musician, will perform at the popular Café V lese. You can look forward to a range of great music, from country and folk to jazz and rock. The concert will take place on the 8th of August in Vršovice.

Experience a magical Night of Castles and Chateaux

30.8.2019 — At night on the 31st of August and the 1st of September, dozens of historical buildings will take part in the Night of Castles and Chateaux. This annual event began in 2010, and it presents historical monuments in an unconventional light and with an interesting programme.

Hlavní město ke konci roku odstaví jedno ze svých datových center. Ušetří tím ročně více než 12 milionů korun

15.12.2020 — Pražský magistrát do konce tohoto roku odstaví jedno ze svých datových center nedaleko Šáreckého údolí. Tímto krokem ušetří hlavní město téměř 12,5 milionu korun ročně. Proces migrace serverů a dalších aplikací začal již v březnu tohoto roku, přesunuty byly z větší části do datového centra na Chodovci. Současně připravuje Praha výstavbu nového moderního datového centra na Malovance, práce by mohly být dokončeny již v roce 2023, přesun a nákup nových technologií poté v následujícím roce. Do budoucna by se sem měla přesunout většina serverů hlavního města.