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Celkem záznamů: 5263
Prague – Velká Chuchle Racecourse hosts ladies’ charity polo tournament

20.8.2019 — A racing afternoon in Prague - Velká Chuchle Racecourse is one of the many weekend activities on in the Czech capital. Now, you can see not only racing, but also show jumping. And between the 23rd and 25th of August, you can come to watch ladies' polo.

Open Day in Hrzánský and Liechtenstein Palaces

4.7.2019 — On the public holiday, the 5th of July, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic will open both Hrzánský Palace in Hradčany and Lichtenštejnský (Liechtenstein) Palace on Kampa Island to the public.

Zástupci pražského magistrátu a městských částí vystavili vysvědčení pokrokům v digitalizaci

28.6.2024 — Tento týden se uskutečnil již čtvrtý ročník konference Digitalizujeme Prahu 2023-2026.


20.1.2020 — Datum vydání: 20.01.2020, Zdroj: Euro | Rubrika: Report | Strana 32 | Autor: Ondřej Hergesell, Téma: Zdeněk Hřib

Smetana’s music to resonate from the Municipal House

23.10.2020 — Prague Symphony Orchestra (FOK) will perform Smetana's 'Má vlast' ('My Country') in Obecní dům (Municipal House) for Independent Czechoslovak State Day on the 28th of October. There will be no audience, but the concert will be streamed via the Prague Symphony Orchestra's YouTube channel so it can be seen live all over the world.

Organ players from all around the world are heading to Basilica of St. James the Greater

26.8.2019 — The largest organ in Prague is in the Basilica of St. James the Greater ('Bazilika svatého Jakuba Většího'). This church will be filled with the beautiful sounds of this great instrument during the 24th International Organ Festival.