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Celkem záznamů: 5263
Lukáš Rittstein’s works at the Sculpture Line festival

23.8.2020 — The Sculpture Line is a festival that transforms squares, streets, parks and other public spaces into open-air galleries. The festival is taking place in Prague and other Czech cities and towns for the sixth time. Sculpture Line is the largest event in the Czech Republic that supports the connection between sculpture and public space and, in doing so, expands the cultural and artistic potential of public spaces, bringing emotion into public spaces and exploring new possibilities. The main idea of the long-term art project is to introduce contemporary art to both residents and tourists, and to enhance the social function of public spaces.

Prague Public Transport Museum is open in the winter

17.2.2019 — Since the Prague Public Transport Museum is very popular, The Prague Public Transit Co. Inc. has decided to open it to the public even in the winter months. The museum will be open every weekend until the 31st of March 2019 from 9am to 5pm. Visitors will find more than forty historic vehicles and many other exhibits here, including models, photographs, historical documents, tickets and transport plans.

Liechtenstein Palace, Prague’s Classicist gem, opens to visitors

23.7.2020 — The palaces in Prague are opening after the coronavirus closure. The Government of the Czech Republic will open the unique Liechtenstein Palace on Kampa Island to the public on Saturday the 25th of July.

Museum prepares children’s art competition

11.4.2020 — The National Museum of Agriculture in Prague has organised an art competition for children who have to stay home due to quarantine measures.

Museum prepares children’s art competition

1.3.2020 — The National Museum of Agriculture in Prague has organised an art competition for children who have to stay home due to quarantine measures.

Praha rozhodla o zabezpečení sítě Městské policie

14.6.2016 — Hlavní město realizovalo veřejnou zakázku, jejímž předmětem je dodávka softwaru a hardwaru pro zajištění bezpečnosti sítě a koncových stanic Městské policie hl. m. Prahy. O výběru nejvhodnější nabídky rozhodla dnes městská rada.