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Celkem záznamů: 5263
‘Manifesto’ and ‘Inwald’ – two new exhibitions in MeetFactory

30.11.2019 — Two exhibitions start in Smíchov cultural centre on the 27th of November. They are 'Manifesto' by an art collective called 'Class of Interpretation', and 'Inwald' by Ondřej Vicena.

Prague Invites Spectators Back into Theatres Through Virtual Reality

31.3.2021 — Prague City Hall, together with the Brainz Studios creative group, has today presented the globally unique service called Brejlando. It will offer experimental theatre experiences to its spectators in virtual reality (VR). With the help of state-of-the-art technologies and borrowed VR glasses, everyone can immerse in watching selected performances from Prague theatres from the comfort of their homes, as well as from a completely new angle - right from the stage, in close vicinity to the actors. The service is intended to help theatres and their fans overcome these difficult times of limited operation. However, at the same time, the initiators believe that they are establishing a new international trend that can become a permanent part of the theatres' offer.

Important notice - COVID-19

11.3.2020 — Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a novel coronavirus, which means this virus has not been found before. However, we know that the virus transmits mainly via (a) direct contact with droplets from an infected person; and (b) indirect contact by touching contaminated surfaces where the virus can survive for a short time.

Prague adds QR codes to public lamppost identification signs

28.6.2020 — Prague City Technology has been adding QR codes to the metal identification tags on public lighting, which will make it easier to report a lighting issue or an illegal advertisement. The codes will help emergency workers, as well as residents and tourists, navigate Prague.

Transport by Private Car

21.6.2008 — Transport by private car is recommended only if you need to cover longer distances or travel outside of the city.