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Celkem záznamů: 5263
Praha má novou strategii pro IT, chce předejít neuváženým investicím

2.10.2019 — Rada hl. m. Prahy schválila novou strategii pro informační a komunikační technologie od současnosti až do roku 2025. Hlavním cílem je určit způsob a formu zabezpečení IT služeb a prostředků ICT podporujících práci Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy a sjednotit poskytované služby na celoměstské úrovni. Dokument určuje hlavní cíle rozvoje a provozu informačních systémů.

Vladimíra Egertová: Spirits? The older the better!

23.1.2019 — Do you also like something stronger from time to time? In that case, you should try spirits from the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague (Botanická zahrada hlavního města Prahy). Its product range recently expanded as two new varieties were introduced. For a long time, the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague only offered its visitors wine. In 2017, however, it introduced a new range of products - three types of distilled spirits. Presently, there are two other types that contain 45% alcohol. "We decided to extend the range of spirits, since they have become popular amongst our clients. At the same time, we wanted to see the differences between the distilled spirit made from pomace and the one distilled from wine", says Vladimíra Egertová, the director of Vinice sv. Kláry (St Clare's Vineyard).

Vladimíra Egertová: Spirits? The older the better!

3.1.2019 — Do you also like something stronger from time to time? In that case, you should try spirits from the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague (Botanická zahrada hlavního města Prahy). Its product range recently expanded as two new varieties were introduced. For a long time, the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague only offered its visitors wine. In 2017, however, it introduced a new range of products - three types of distilled spirits. Presently, there are two other types that contain 45% alcohol. "We decided to extend the range of spirits, since they have become popular amongst our clients. At the same time, we wanted to see the differences between the distilled spirit made from pomace and the one distilled from wine", says Vladimíra Egertová, the director of Vinice sv. Kláry (St Clare's Vineyard).

Do Prahy přichází investice do zdraví za jednu a půl miliardy

21.5.2015 — Hledat nové možnosti využití IT technologií ve zdravotnictví. Takové je poslání Globálního inovativního IT centra, které bylo otevřeno v Praze na Smíchově. Celková výše investice do jeho fungování dosáhne do roku 2016 nejméně 1,5 miliardy korun. To z ní činí jednu z největších IT investic nejen v České republice, ale i ve střední Evropě.

Magistrát v IT neplýtvá

11.12.2013 — E15 | 11.12.2013 | Rubrika: Názory | Strana: 17 | Autor: Eva Vorlíčková | Téma: Volené orgány - Rada - Eva Vorlíčková

Czech Technical University and Czech Academy of Sciences develop new half mask

15.4.2020 — The Czech Technical University in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences have developed and tested a new protective respirator half mask in Prague. It fits better than FFP2 respirators, which are imported from Asia and are less effective in Europe due to their different shape.

Underground Vyšehrad after the pandemic

7.4.2020 — When the coronavirus pandemic is over, you can treat yourself with a trip to explore underground Vyšehrad where the treasure from Charles Bridge can be found.

Women in the post office

31.1.2020 — Women in Czech lands started working in the postal industry as early as the 16th century. How did it work back then and how did the position of women in the postal industry develop alongside that of men? You can find answers to these questions in the Postal Museum in Prague at an exhibition called 'Women in the Post Office' ('Ženy na poště').