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Celkem záznamů: 7539
‘Thank You Czech Technicians’ for fighting the virus

29.6.2020 — 'Thank you Czech technicians' is an exhibition in the National Technical Museum, which expresses their gratitude to Czechs technicians for their help during the coronavirus pandemic. The exhibition will be open in the museum building in Letná until the 30th of September.

Dance for half an hour a day with famous choreographer

9.4.2020 — Going to sport centres has become impossible due to the coronavirus pandemic, and exercising outdoors is even limited at the moment. However, thanks to modern technology, there is no need to despair. You can stretch your body properly in the comfort of your own home.

Enjoy space entertainment and education online

19.5.2020 — Prague Planetarium has put together various entertaining and educational space-themed activities to help you get through the tedium of the enforced restrictions. Planetariums and observatories are places of never-ending curiosity, allowing you to get to know the universe from Earth.

The 14th RefuFest invites you to meet people from other cultures

26.9.2019 — RefuFest is a festival that creates space for people from all over the world to meet and express solidarity with refugees. Discover other cultures thanks to music, dance, theatre and other forms of cultural expression. The festival will take place in Invalidovna in Karlín in Prague on the 27th and 28th of September, while Thursday the 27th of September is reserved for schools.

Become an expert in astronomy!

28.10.2020 — Prague Planetarium and the Štefánik Observatory commence another two-year course in astronomy. Those who complete the course successfully will have an opportunity to work in the Astronomy Club of the Štefánik Observatory. The two-year astronomical course has been held for over 50 years and offers the participants basic knowledge of modern astronomy along with knowledge of the night sky and the basics of working with astronomical instruments.