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Celkem záznamů: 7540
New public transport measures

22.3.2020 — According to the Mayor of Prague's instruction, all public transport passengers in Prague are obliged to use respiratory protection, such as a mask, bandana or scarf, from the 17th of March onwards.

Prague establishes emergency Assistance Centres

20.4.2020 — Assistance Centres ('Asistenční centrum pomoci') will be established in the Municipal Library of Prague in case of emergencies with a large number of casualties and other major crisis situations. It will primarily serve to provide information and assistance to people affected by an emergency, as well as their loved ones.

Sustainability indicators of the City of Prague

21.6.2007 — the text based on the chapter Sustainability indicators of the City of Prague published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006, yearbook Prague Environment 2005 and yearbook Prague Environment 2004

Management of hazardous substances

26.5.2006 — Tthe text is based on the chapter Management of hazardous substances published in yearbook Prague Environment 2005.

Dear Praguers,

11.3.2013 — Are you wondering how to celebrate Easter in the city? Here are some tips for events:

Museum prepares children’s art competition

11.4.2020 — The National Museum of Agriculture in Prague has organised an art competition for children who have to stay home due to quarantine measures.

Museum prepares children’s art competition

1.3.2020 — The National Museum of Agriculture in Prague has organised an art competition for children who have to stay home due to quarantine measures.

Discover the world of the famous Leonardo da Vinci!

16.10.2020 — The Chvaly Château ('Chvalský zámek') in Horní Počernice is offering you the opportunity to explore the magnificent world of Leonardo da Vinci! The interactive exhibition will introduce you to the inventions, art and scientific work by the Italian genius until the 22nd of November.