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Celkem záznamů: 7541
Rare elephant shrew in Prague Zoo

30.3.2020 — The black and rufous elephant shrew, (Rhynchocyon petersi) is a new resident in Prague Zoo's indoor African pavilion. Although it looks like a mouse, it is related to elephants and aardvarks.

Commemoration for Karel Kryl in the Convent of St. Agnes

2.9.2019 — On the 5th of September, as part of the 'ANEŽKA LIVE!' summer season in the Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia, a commemorative event will take place, marking 75 years since the birth and 25 years since the death of Karel Kryl, a creator and 'king' of the Czechoslovak protest-song and a symbol of resistance against communist totalitarianism.

Summer at Prague Exhibition Grounds

15.7.2019 — Prague Exhibition Grounds welcomes visitors to the summer season. Besides attractions for children, sports opportunities and picnic spots, a summer garden restaurant and a new bistro are also open. Now, visitors can enter the lower part of the Grounds directly from Stromovka. In addition to continuing works on bigger investment projects, smaller-scale improvements are gradually being completed.

International dance project in Studio ALTA will bring comic relief

29.6.2020 — On the 2nd and 3rd of July, Studio ALTA will present 'How Things Go', the first joint project by the newly formed duo Felix Baumann (DE) and Sean Henderson (US/ CH). Baumann and Henderson brilliantly combine dance, physical and visual theatre. In 'How Things Go', the two performers' encounters with various objects cause a chain reaction, which inevitably leads to chaos. However, they do not give up or lose their sense of humour, and the audience laughs with them. Witnessing such creative yet futile efforts makes you think of comedians like Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and the Czech animated slapstick pair Pat & Mat.