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Take part in public biathlon race in Prague
13.2.2020 — Are you interested in trying a biathlon? On the 15th of February, you will have the unique opportunity to take part in ČEZ Handy Biathlon for everyone in the Vypich area in Prague. Come to race and have fun, while at the same time supporting people with disabilities.
A new vineyard on the slopes of Vítkov in Prague
18.12.2019 — There is much more to Prague than well-known tourist attractions like Hradčany and Wenceslas Square. For example, the Czech capital currently has a total number of fourteen vineyards within its borders. The most famous are St. Clare's Vineyard and Salabka Vineyard in Troja, Máchalka Vineyard in Vysočany, and Grébovka in Prague 2. The new vineyard in the park in Vítkov is a recent addition.
Rozhovor primátora hl. m. Prahy MUDr. Pavla Béma o pomoci Prahy městu New Oreleans, otištěný dne 15.9. 2005 v deníku Metro
15.9.2005 — Praha má stále v živé paměti ničivou povodeň, která nás postihla před třemi lety. Pomoc jsme proto nabídli okamžitě a její formu pečlivě konzultovali s americkou stranou, tak aby byla skutečně aktuální. Americká strana upřednostnila pomoc dlouhodobou, realizovanou ve formě projektů, na něž jsme vyčlenili celkem šestnáct milionů.
6.1.2014 —
Cirk La Putyka’s Homecoming
29.9.2019 — The contemporary circus ensemble Cirk La Putyka is celebrating its 10th anniversary. As part of the celebrations, they decided to return with three of their successful productions to their original venues: La Fabrika, Archa Theatre and the New Stage of the National Theatre's New Stage in October and November.
Summer at Prague Exhibition Grounds
15.7.2019 — Prague Exhibition Grounds welcomes visitors to the summer season. Besides attractions for children, sports opportunities and picnic spots, a summer garden restaurant and a new bistro are also open. Now, visitors can enter the lower part of the Grounds directly from Stromovka. In addition to continuing works on bigger investment projects, smaller-scale improvements are gradually being completed.
Berliner Philharmoniker New Year’s Eve Concert
31.12.2018 — For the eighth time, the traditional New Year's Eve Gala Concert of the Berlin Philharmonic. Orchestra will be broadcasted live to cinemas all over the world, the Lucerna cinema in Prague being one of them. Ring in the New Year a little bit differently in 2018! The Berliner Philharmoniker is one of the most important symphonic orchestras in the world. Much of their fame is due to the legendary conductor Herbert von Karajan. In the Gramophone's review of The World's 20 Greatest Orchestras, critics rated the orchestra as the second-best in the world.
Ambiciózní program letošního prestižního hudebního festivalu United Islands of Prague je příslibem nejlepší akce pražského kulturního léta
22.5.2006 — Pořadatelé největšího pražského festivalu, který se koná od 16. do 25.6. na pražských ostrovech, představili vedle hlavních hvězd skupin Placebo, Khaled, Medeski Martin & Wood další výjimečné interprety, kteří vystoupí letos na festivalu. Jsou jimi například africký rocker Rachid Taha, tuzemští Support Lesbiens, J.A.R. a Ecstasy of St. Theresa, ostrý ska ansámbl z New Yorku Fishbone, oblíbenci režiséra Tarantina Tito & Tarantula, další tuzemská perlička Čechomor, irští spolustrůjci Afro Celt Sound Systemu Iarla O´Lionaird a Michael McGoldrick, brazilský harmonikář Renato Borghetti, kultovní bluesman Lucky Peterson, jazzman a mimo jiné i syn slavného herce Kyle Eastwood, úspěšný jazzový projekt Dan Bárta & Illustratosphere, taneční -123 min a desítky dalších hudebních skupin z více než 20 zemí světa.