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Style Evenings in New Town Hall

14.4.2019 — The Harmonia Praga Chamber Orchestra has organised the sixth annual series of concerts, called Style Evenings, in the 'Novoměstská radnice' (New Town Hall).

Planet Fest: inspiration for an eco-friendly lifestyle

29.2.2020 — The second annual Planet Fest, an event dedicated to our beautiful planet, will be held in Roxy Club, Prague on the 1st of March. Everything you need to thoughtfully enjoy your stay on Earth is there.

Czech Technical University and Czech Academy of Sciences develop new half mask

15.4.2020 — The Czech Technical University in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences have developed and tested a new protective respirator half mask in Prague. It fits better than FFP2 respirators, which are imported from Asia and are less effective in Europe due to their different shape.

Emergency measures during the state of emergency

8.4.2020 — On the 12th of March 2020, the Czech government declared a state of emergency due to the coronavirus pandemic. The emergency was extended until 30 April.

‘Pražské primátorky’ will transform the Vltava River into a sports arena

7.6.2019 — From the 7th to the 9th of June, the traditional rowing race 'Pražské primátorky' will take place on the Vltava River with backing by the Mayor of the City of Prague. The most famous event of its kind in Prague, 'Pražské primátorky', was held for the first time in 1910, and has been held every year, with the exception of 1914 to 1918.

Bioindication environmental monitoring – regular monitoring of living organisms at selected localities

21.6.2007 — Certain plants and animals reacts to the growing load in a more sensitive manner than humans, they allow to register effects and assess the level of acceptability of local conditions to human population in advance /text based on the chapter Regular monitoring of living organisms at selected localities (bioindication monitoring) published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006/.

Visit the popular Náplavka Farmers’ Market on the Vltava riverbank

24.2.2020 — 'Náplavka', meaning riverbank, refers to the embankment of the Vltava River between Palacký Bridge and Railway Bridge in Prague 2, a place where farmers' markets have regularly been held for 11 years. Even though it is not the largest in the Czech capital city, the market is unsurpassed with its friendly, relaxed atmosphere, which is one of the reasons that it is one of the most popular markets in the city. The 2020 season started in February, and the market is held every Saturday.

Representative of Czech slapstick Michael Rittstein exhibits at Prague Castle

30.11.2019 — Michael Rittstein, an artist who uses bold colours and large formats, is celebrating his 70th birthday. A selection of his work was collected in the Prague Castle Riding School for the occasion. The exhibition 'In Waves' can only be seen until the 5th of January 2020.

Prague City Council

19.11.2018 — Prague City Council has 11 members and is elected by Prague City Assembly. Its members are the Mayor of Prague, 4 Deputy Mayors of Prague and 6 Councillors. Meetings are held every Tuesday (or other days when needed) and are not public. Every citizen has the right to consult the minutes from the meetings. The Council is accountable for its actions to the Assembly.


7.1.2010 — MUDr. Pavel Bém’s Responsibilities as the Mayor of Prague

Commemoration for Karel Kryl in the Convent of St. Agnes

2.9.2019 — On the 5th of September, as part of the 'ANEŽKA LIVE!' summer season in the Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia, a commemorative event will take place, marking 75 years since the birth and 25 years since the death of Karel Kryl, a creator and 'king' of the Czechoslovak protest-song and a symbol of resistance against communist totalitarianism.

Summer at Prague Exhibition Grounds

15.7.2019 — Prague Exhibition Grounds welcomes visitors to the summer season. Besides attractions for children, sports opportunities and picnic spots, a summer garden restaurant and a new bistro are also open. Now, visitors can enter the lower part of the Grounds directly from Stromovka. In addition to continuing works on bigger investment projects, smaller-scale improvements are gradually being completed.

Experience a magical Night of Castles and Chateaux

30.8.2019 — At night on the 31st of August and the 1st of September, dozens of historical buildings will take part in the Night of Castles and Chateaux. This annual event began in 2010, and it presents historical monuments in an unconventional light and with an interesting programme.

Rare elephant shrew in Prague Zoo

30.3.2020 — The black and rufous elephant shrew, (Rhynchocyon petersi) is a new resident in Prague Zoo's indoor African pavilion. Although it looks like a mouse, it is related to elephants and aardvarks.

Noise assessment

2.7.2007 — information from the yearbook Prague Environment 2006

Primátor Pavel Bém navštívil humanitární koncert Help Haiti!

21.1.2010 — Osmihodinový humanitární koncert na pomoc postiženému Haiti proběhl dnes na Staroměstském náměstí. Součástí koncertu, kterého se zúčastnil i primátor hlavního města Prahy Pavel Bém spolu s premiérem Janem Fišerem, byla finanční sbírka pro humanitární organizaci Člověk v tísni.

Dotační řízení pro CDZ/MDT rok 2022

13.7.2022 — Vyhlášení Programu Financování center duševního zdraví a multidisciplinárních týmů pro cílové skupiny dětí, lidí s demencí, lidí s problematikou závislosti a lidí s nařízeným ochranným léčením pro rok 2022

Horror exhibition in MeetFactory

21.7.2020 — TOO HOT by Eva Jaroňová is the first post-pandemic exhibition in the MeetFactory gallery in Smíchov. Eva Riebová, the Kostka Gallery curator, had to cancel the Indian artist Afrah Shafiq's exhibition due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, she was given the opportunity to seek out a Czech artist and discovered Eva Jaroňová, who participated in the Kostka Gallery's open call in the past.

Vítkov exhibition commemorates the journey to Latvian independence

23.9.2020 — The National Memorial on the Vítkov Hill hosts an exhibition 'We want to be free, we will be free!', which is dedicated to the establishment of the independent State of Latvia. The exhibition will be open in the Ceremonial Hall until the 4th of October.

Advent and Christmas preparations in Prague Zoo

30.11.2019 — The Christmas tree in Prague Zoo will officially be lit up on Sunday, the 1st of December. Advent in Prague Zoo will be dedicated to producing presents for the animals.

73 buildings open their doors for Open House Prague 2020

31.8.2020 — This year, the Open House Prague urban architecture festival will take place on the weekend of the 5th and 6th September. A total of 73 architecturally interesting buildings and spaces will be open free of admission to the public.

Enjoy a picnic on Střelecký Island

13.7.2019 — On the weekend of the 13th and the 14th of July, Střelecký Island in Prague will turn into an ideal picnic spot with lots of food, music and entertainment.

Prague Galleries, Museums and Exhibition Halls will participate in Prague Art Week 2019

23.4.2019 — The second annual Art Week festival will invite the public to various venues all over Prague from the 22nd to the 28th of April 2019.

Top dancers will gather in Hybernia Theatre

29.4.2019 — On the 30th of April 2019, the 33rd annual festival 'Mezinárodní týdny tance' (International Dance Weeks) will culminate in the Hybernia Theatre. For the first time, artists from all three Czech National Theatres will meet on one stage!

International dance project in Studio ALTA will bring comic relief

29.6.2020 — On the 2nd and 3rd of July, Studio ALTA will present 'How Things Go', the first joint project by the newly formed duo Felix Baumann (DE) and Sean Henderson (US/ CH). Baumann and Henderson brilliantly combine dance, physical and visual theatre. In 'How Things Go', the two performers' encounters with various objects cause a chain reaction, which inevitably leads to chaos. However, they do not give up or lose their sense of humour, and the audience laughs with them. Witnessing such creative yet futile efforts makes you think of comedians like Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and the Czech animated slapstick pair Pat & Mat.

Experience the Middle Ages in Břevnov Monastery

24.5.2019 — On the 25th of May 2019, Břevnov Monastery, the most important ecclesiastical centre of its time, will hold 'Středověké slavnosti' (a Medieval Festival) for the sixth time. As usual, visitors can look forward to a varied programme for all age groups.

Signal Festival illuminates Prague

10.10.2019 — From the 10th to the 13th of October, 18 light installations - 9 from Czech and 9 from aboard - will be displayed as part of the 7th Signal Festival. Discover the routes of these installations leading through 'Malá Strana' (the Lesser Town), 'Staré Město' (the Old Town) and Karlín.

Prague celebrates St. Patrick's Feast Day in style

16.3.2019 — Prague is preparing for greater St. Patrick's Day celebrations than ever before. The main attraction will be the festive parade on Sunday the 17th of March, which begins and ends in Campus Hybernská, where the other main celebrations will be held. According to the legend, Saint Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland, converted the people of Ireland to Christianity in the fifth century.

Cars on Smetanovo Embankment to be replaced by beer gardens and terraces

22.5.2020 — Following in the footsteps of great cities such as Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, New York and Berlin, the city of Prague is planning to create more public space for pedestrians. The first new pedestrian zone will be created in part of the Smetanovo Embankment ('Smetanovo nábřeží'). Car traffic towards Křížovnické Square near Charles Bridge will go through Divadelní and Karoliny Světlé streets instead.

Nordic Warriors in Prague Cinemas

29.3.2019 — Richard Wagner's opera 'Die Walküre' (The Valkyrie) is coming to Czech cinemas as part of 'The Met: Live in HD' series. In Prague, the opera will be screened on the 30th of March in the Aero and Světozor cinemas.

Experience Prague Zoo with all your senses

15.11.2019 — On Sunday, the 17th of November, Prague Zoo will present an exhibition for people with sight loss, as well as for others to understand what it's like to perceive a zoo with senses other than sight.

Road traffic noise

2.7.2007 — information from the yearbooks Prague Environment 2006, 2005 and 2004

Tourism Portal

8.6.2012 —

Learn about Jewish history in Prague with reduced entrance fee

23.5.2020 — The Jewish Museum is one of the most significant tourist destinations in Prague. Since its reopening after the closure due to the coronavirus pandemic, you can enjoy the world-famous sites and exhibitions for a reduced entrance fee for a limited time.

National Gallery exhibits Myslbek’s works depicting human poverty

18.9.2020 — The National Gallery Prague hosts temporary graphic exhibitions in the Fair Trade Palace. One of them is an exhibition of a collection of drawings and prints by Karel Myslbek entitled 'The Silent Drama of Human Poverty', which takes place until the 8th of November. The National Gallery has rich and wide-ranging collection of graphics and drawings from various periods and styles. However, artworks on paper cannot be exhibited for a long time, so drawings and graphics are regularly presented in short-term exhibitions. The current exhibit in the Graphic Cabinet introduces the world of the gloomy but interesting Czech painter, Karel Myslbek.

Vladimíra Egertová: Spirits? The older the better!

23.1.2019 — Do you also like something stronger from time to time? In that case, you should try spirits from the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague (Botanická zahrada hlavního města Prahy). Its product range recently expanded as two new varieties were introduced. For a long time, the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague only offered its visitors wine. In 2017, however, it introduced a new range of products - three types of distilled spirits. Presently, there are two other types that contain 45% alcohol. "We decided to extend the range of spirits, since they have become popular amongst our clients. At the same time, we wanted to see the differences between the distilled spirit made from pomace and the one distilled from wine", says Vladimíra Egertová, the director of Vinice sv. Kláry (St Clare's Vineyard).

Vladimíra Egertová: Spirits? The older the better!

3.1.2019 — Do you also like something stronger from time to time? In that case, you should try spirits from the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague (Botanická zahrada hlavního města Prahy). Its product range recently expanded as two new varieties were introduced. For a long time, the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague only offered its visitors wine. In 2017, however, it introduced a new range of products - three types of distilled spirits. Presently, there are two other types that contain 45% alcohol. "We decided to extend the range of spirits, since they have become popular amongst our clients. At the same time, we wanted to see the differences between the distilled spirit made from pomace and the one distilled from wine", says Vladimíra Egertová, the director of Vinice sv. Kláry (St Clare's Vineyard).

Physical aspects of radio broadcasting in the art of Roman Štětina

15.1.2019 — Until the 24th of February 2019, you can visit an unusual exhibition of audiovisual works by the gifted young artist Roman Štětina in Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace, one of the exceptional Baroque mansions in the Old Town. Roman Štětina has been focused on radio since the beginning of his career. In this exhibition, created in cooperation with fashion designer Mia Jadrná, he highlights the gradual disappearance of audio technology and the hidden art of radio professionals. His main interest lies in what precedes encounters with broadcasted sound - what exists in the "foreword."

Nordic Short Film festival: original and sincere

6.6.2019 — From the 4th to the 13th of June, Evald Cinema is hosting the second annual Nordic Short Film festival. The festival presents serious themes, as well as films full of humour and nostalgia, and it also gives an insight into the extraordinary lives of the Icelanders.

Traffic measures on the Vršovická and Otakarova roads

21.2.2020 — From the 22nd of February 2020, transport measures will be introduced due to ongoing reconstruction works on railway bridges across Vršovická and Otakarova streets for the optimization of Prague Hostivař - Prague Main Railway Station. The transport measures will take place in two stages.

Independent American artist Arthur Jafa in Galerie Rudolfinum

10.2.2019 — The exhibition of the famous American filmmaker, cinematographer and artist Arthur Jafa can now be seen at the Galerie Rudolfinum. It is his first exhibition in the Czech Republic. Arthur Jafa creates images of African-American identity and culture through a broad spectrum of contemporary footage and found images. The exhibition's title, 'A Series of Utterly Improbable, Yet Extraordinary Renditions', refers to the feeling of emptiness that characterizes black life, according to Jafa.

Take part in Etnopiknik at Náprstek Museum

16.8.2019 — Náprstek Museum has prepared an interesting event for its visitors - Etnopiknik, which will take place on the 17th of August. In one day and one place, you will have the opportunity to get to know various non-European cultures with all your senses.

Prague hosts unique photography festival

9.10.2020 — Fotograf Festival, which takes place in Prague until the 18th of October, is a festival of photography, which explores the relationship between contemporary art and photography. A series of exhibitions and film screenings in several locations in Prague will be organised, as well as lectures, debates with artists and performances. The motto of this year's festival is 'Uneven Ground'. Come to explore the unknown, the unexpected, the other. In eight connected exhibitions, organisers offer various perspectives, creating and examining connections between artists from different generations and places, as well as between photographers and their models or objects. In doing so, they connect not only one person with another, but also the known with the unknown.

The fifth annual Flamenco Day will be held in Prague

20.11.2019 — From the 21st to the 24th of November, Prague will host the Flamenco Day festival. This time, the festival will commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the death of the flamenco king Antonio Gades.

Masks for Prague

25.3.2020 — The lack of face masks in Prague has led to a huge wave of solidarity, as people make marks at home and give them to their fellow citizens. However, masks must be sterilised and effectively distributed.

International padel tournament in Prague

15.8.2019 — The padel tournament, International Padel Experience by Madison, will take place in Prague for the first time from the 16th to the 18th of August.

Prague Exhibition Grounds brings you specialities on wheels from all over the world

5.7.2020 — Food Truck Park is a street food event which takes place every Sunday until the end of October at the Prague Exhibition Grounds. A variety of gastronomic specialties from all over the world will be on offer. You will find it near the children's playground on the newly renovated 'Bruselská Cesta' ('Brussels Road').

European Heritage Days start in Prague

11.9.2020 — Every year, usually in early autumn, the doors of the most interesting monuments, buildings and other spaces of interest, many of which are normally inaccessible, open to the public as part of the European Heritage Days. Between the 12th and the 20th of September, visitors can see most of them for free.