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Projekt Blind Friendly Web slaví 10 let své existence

20.10.2010 — Projekt Blind Friendly Web (www.blindfriendly.cz) již 10 let „ukazuje“ tvůrcům webů, jak mají vypadat internetové stránky, aby informace, na nich uvedené, byly přístupné i uživatelům s těžkým zrakovým postižením. Seminář věnovaný tomuto výročí dnes proběhl pod záštitou PhDr. Milana Pešáka, radního hl. m. Prahy pro oblast zdravotnictví a RNDr. Jiřího Schlangera, náměstka ministra zdravotnictví pro koordinaci informačních systémů.

Vyšehrad summer scene comes alive with acrobats and music

15.5.2019 — From the 17th to the 23rd of May 2019, Losers Cirque Company's Open Air Festival is taking place at Vyšehrad. Over the course of seven evenings, audiences will enjoy a varied programme prepared especially for this festival. In addition to the Losers' new circus, festival goers can look forward to great musicians and a beatboxer.

Management of hazardous substances

21.6.2007 — the text based on the chapter Management of hazardous substances published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006

New circus festival Letní Letná takes place with reduced programme

30.6.2020 — Fans of new circus will be pleased to hear that Letní Letná, the popular new circus festival, will take place this year after all, and only part of the programme will be postponed until next year. The 17th annual Letní Letná festival will take place from the 18th to the 25th of August in Letenské sady in Prague. Unfortunately, the programme will not be the same, but it is still well worth a visit!

Charles Bridge Renovation Began

14.9.2007 — At last the Charles Bridge renovation finally started, it has been planned since 1991. Its completion date is 11th June 2010 and the repairs should prevent water leakage and improve the infrastructure of the bridge and its access roads. Repair works cost more than 222 million crowns and doesn't concern the stone bridge's antique patina as this will be repaired in 10 years time.

Prague City Gallery as a welcome space for foreign visitors

23.1.2019 — Foreign visitors are a very important target group for Prague City Gallery. What can the Gallery offer them? Foreign visitors include individual tourists as well as group tours, school tours and students from abroad, and also guests that the gallery invites when cooperating with foreign institutions and on international projects. The main points of interest for foreign visitors are the architectural and historic Gallery buildings in the heart of the capital and the fascinating exhibitions. However, it is not only Prague City Gallery's exhibitions that make it the most accommodating institution, but also its educational work, and the smooth-running of the gallery.

During this year’s Prague Spirit Festival, you will not be alone

11.3.2019 — From the 15th to the 21st of March 2019, yoga enthusiasts from all over the world will gather in Prague to take part in the 9th Prague Spirit Festival. 'Novoměstská radnice' (The New Town Hall) hosts the main events. Yoga is about life, reality, pleasures and doubts. The motto of this year's annual festival, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic, is "You are not alone".

New parterre in front of the Šlechta Restaurant in Stromovka

11.7.2020 — A new parterre, an ornamental garden, has been created in front of the Šlechta Restaurant following the overall reconstruction of an area in Stromovka where a pond used to be. Stromovka, a former medieval game reserve, is the largest green space in Prague, with an area of 95 hectares.

Do karantény by šel jen soused nakaženého žáka

17.8.2020 — Datum vydání: 17.08.2020, Zdroj: Mladá fronta DNES | Rubrika: Praha | Strana 12 | Autor: Alžběta Šimková, Téma: Vít Šimral

Aerobiological monitoring of air in Prague

21.6.2007 — The Prague Pollen Monitoring Station of the Czech Pollen Information Service was put into operation in March 1993. The graphs presented demonstrate concentrations of the most significant airborne pollen allergens in Prague air during the last six years.


27.6.2007 — The text from the chapter Wastewater published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006.

Bio-waste of plant origin

20.10.2019 — Prague plans to expand the collection of plant-based bio-waste. Citizens who recycle bio-waste will save money. Bio-waste of plant origin currently accounts for up to 40% of mixed municipal waste in the Czech metropolis.

Prague co-organises ICGAI Congress

28.2.2020 — Prague City Council has recently approved for the city of Prague to participate in the organisation of the 1st International Congress for the Governance of AI (ICGAI/ Prague 2020). The subject of the congress will be the regulation and ethics of artificial intelligence.

Praha se po zkušenosti s letošní povodní snaží lépe připravit na případné další mimořádné situace

21.12.2013 — ČRo Regina | 21.12.2013 | 13:00 | Pořad: Události dne | Téma: Volené orgány - Primátor - Tomáš Hudeček


13.2.2023 —

Discover World Heritage

23.4.2019 — The Central Library in Mariánské Square introduces photographs of the world's cultural and natural sites protected by UNESCO. This exhibition of unique photographs from the project of the creator, RNDr. Milena Blažková, will last until the 27th of April 2019.

Letná Orchards (Letenské sady)

14.9.2005 — nová úprava

Mayors of V4 capitals: “Recovery from the pandemic must be green. We’re asking the EU for partnership”

8.7.2020 — Mayors of the capitals of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries have signed an open letter to the European Council. In it, they call for financial support, declaring their commitment to approach the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to seek smart solutions that improve quality of life and to overcome the challenges of climate change.

Japan Week in Prague

9.11.2017 — Japan Week is a festival focused on the presentation and promotion of the Japanese culture and art around the world and interchange between the nations. The Japanese foundation (IFF) International Friendship Foundation has been organising Japan Week already for 31 years - every year in a different country.

Vize odboru informatiky MHMP

5.5.2009 — Praha si klade za cíl být úspěšným, ekonomicky prosperujícím, a mezinárodně uznávaným městem, které svým obyvatelům poskytuje bezpečný a přívětivý domov, kvalitní podmínky pro vzdělání, rozvoj nových technologií a úspěšné podnikání. Praha chce být zároveň městem s výkonnou, snadno dostupnou a vstřícnou veřejnou správou. Posláním informatiky v hlavním městě Praze je zlepšovat pomocí účelného využívání moderních informačních technologií kvalitu života lidí, kteří ve městě žijí a pracují, nebo Prahu navštěvují, prosadit moderní způsob řízení města a komunikace s občany s využitím nových technologických a komunikačních prostředků a přiblížit veřejnou správu občanům.

Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day

8.11.2017 — November 17, which has been remembered as International Student Day since 1941, has a special significance in the history of the Czech Republic. It relates to the events of 1939 and 1989.

Waste water

29.5.2006 — The text from the chapter Wastewater published in yearbook Prague Environment 2005.

Pink May – The degustational festival of rosé wines and clarets

15.5.2018 — Saturday, May 19, from 10 am to 9 pm on the Vltava riverbank - Náplavka at Rašínovo nábřeží, Prague 2 (betwen Railway bridge and the Vyšehrad cliff). Free entry.

Slovo primátora

2.6.2011 — Listy hlavního města Prahy | 2.6.2011 | rubrika: Titulní strana | strana: 1 | autor: Bohuslav Svoboda

Christmas Night Run

25.11.2019 — On Saturday, the 14th of December 2019, the fourth annual charity Christmas Night Run will take place in the centre of Prague. This 5km-long race will start and finish in front of Rudolfinum at Palachovo Square. Both individual racers and teams can take part in the race, and as was the case in the previous years, there will be a special race for children.

Naše koalice se nerozpadne, říká pražský primátor Hřib

13.1.2019 — Zdroj: Rádio Impuls Stanice: Rádio Impuls Autor: Matěj Ludvík Rubrika: Iregiony - Praha 13. ledna 2019, 7:08