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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 414
Camp for homeless people in Troja
11.4.2020 — People experiencing homelessness that may have been infected with Covid-19 will be put into isolation in a temporary camp on Císařský Island in Troja, Prague, from the 9th of April. The capacity of the camp is 20 people, and there are separate areas for men and women, as well as all the necessary facilities. However, the camp will be able to fit up to 40 people if necessary.
Politička, která miluje módu: Alexandra Udženija
1.7.2012 — superspy.cz | 1.7.2012 | Strana: 0 | Téma: Aleksandra Udženija
Prague environmental information system (IOŽIP) and projects of the City
26.5.2006 — Information from the Yearbook Prague Environment 2005
V Praze 7 včera strážníci prověřovali anonymní telefonát o uložení podezřelehé předmětu
19.8.2003 — V půl druhé ráno přijalo centrální operační středisko MP prostřednictvím tísňového volání anonymní oznámení o podezřelém předmětu, který měli dva neznámí muži z černého auta uložit pod zaparkované vozidlo v Letohradské ulici v Praze 7.
Volunteers help families with children with special needs
10.4.2020 — The number of volunteers who have registered at the Czech Red Cross tents in Mariánské Square continues to increase. A total of 3,164 volunteers had registered by the 8th of April. Prague is now able to expand its offer of help to families who have children with special needs. As services for them are now limited and special schools are closed, the situation is more challenging than before.
Prague Zoo to build new Arctic pavilion
22.10.2020 — Prague Zoo has been breeding polar bears since 1932, and they have had several significant breeding successes since then. However, taking care of them is very difficult and the 80-year-old pavilion is no longer suitable, so Prague Zoo is going to build a new Arctic pavilion.
Sešívali potrhané pejsky
5.3.2001 —
Zpět do školních lavic
29.8.2022 — První školní den čekají na děti v Zoo Praha hry se zvířecí tématikou a pro nadšené přírodovědce jsou připravena speciální soutěžní komentovaná krmení a setkání, během nichž budou zvířata dostávat nejrůznější typy potravních hlavolamů, smyslových enrichmentů a dalších "hraček". Děti do patnácti let mají vstup za symbolickou jednu korunu.
3.6.2011 —
‘Laboratory of Living Sentiments’ at Meet Factory
29.7.2019 — Until the 8th of September 2019, there will be an exhibition of videos, 'Laboratory of Living Sentiments' by the Polish artist Magdalena Lazar in the Kostka Gallery. The themes of the exhibition are sentiments and memories. The artist Magdalena Lazar was born in Poland in 1986. She works with animation, video, photography, installation and objects. Her favourite themes include the present versus the past, the experience of a lot of change over a short period, and initiatives related to a post-growth economy.
Sail on a historic boat on the Vltava River
30.7.2020 — The residents of Prague will have the opportunity to sail down the Vltava River in a replica of a traditional boat called a 'šíf'. It is a large wooden boat, similar to a barge, which has been used to transport cargo including stones, sand, salt, grain and beer for centuries. This particular 'šíf' was built two years ago with support from Vltavan Čechy, a union which connects Vltava River associations from Prague, Davle, Štěchovice and Purkarec.
První březnový víkend v zoo
27.2.2023 — V sobotu 4. března se bude v pražské zoo slavit Světový den divoké přírody, v neděli jsou na programu komentované prohlídky pavilonu Indonéské džungle a bude se konat také zooškola pro dospělé. Tradičně jsou na oba víkendové dny připravena oblíbená komentovaná krmení a setkání u zvířat.
Summer art exhibition in the Škoda Palace
9.7.2020 — This summer, you can admire the painter Eva Erbsová's works in the lobby of the Škoda Palace. The painter exhibits regularly in the Škoda Palace, one of Prague City Hall's buildings, in recent years. This time, she selected paintings inspired by exhibits of the National Technical Museum in Prague in Letná.
Czech Nature Photo Exhibition displays the best wildlife photography
23.5.2020 — You have the opportunity to admire award-winning and selected photos from the Czech Nature Photo 2020 competition until the 28th of June. The Czech Nature Photo 2020 exhibition, which exhibits the best nature images by photographers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, takes place in the Czech Photo Centre, 4 Seydlerova Street, Prague 5 - Nové Butovice.
Ema Destinnová
4.6.2020 —
Postupná obnova a doplnění mobiliáře v parku Stromovka
10.2.2023 — Cílem postupné obnovy a doplnění mobiliáře v památkově a přírodně chráněném parku Královská obora Stromovka je zlepšení vybavenosti parku Stromovka. Součástí záměru je postupné doplnění cílových typů mobiliáře dle závazné koncepce mobiliáře v parku Královská obora Stromovka včetně sjednocení a zkvalitnění údržby mobiliáře.
Summer concerts in Riegrovy sady
15.7.2020 — Popular music concerts will take place in Riegrovy sady until mid-August. Instead of selling out stadiums, popular bands will bring a magical atmosphere to one of Prague's popular beer-gardens, making your summer nights in Prague unforgettable with a series of open-air concerts.
Funicular to Petřín closed for maintenance
5.3.2019 — From Monday the 4th to Friday the 15th of March 2019, the funicular from Újezd to Petřín will be out of operation due to regular spring maintenance.
The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the centrepieces of the Petřín Park
20.1.2019 — The long-neglected ecclesiastical building was completely restored under the supervision of the state heritage preservation boards.
Dobrovolníci pomáhají Praze
4.6.2009 — Okolí přírodní památky Hrnčířské louky poslouží k zachování populace žab a bezobratlých živočichů. Hnutí Brontosaurus spolu s firmou SAP BSCE tu vytvořilo malé vodní plochy, kde budou moci obojživelníci žít.
Combining yoga and art
28.4.2020 — Yoga is a healthy form of exercise which relieves stress and boosts mindfulness. Make time for yourself and enjoy practicing yoga at home with the YogArt project. The House of Lobkowicz companies have decided to organise online yoga sessions. They take place in the beautiful historic galleries of the Lobkowicz Castles in Bohemia, combining yoga and art.
Autumn colours in Prague Botanical Garden
23.10.2020 — Prague Botanical Garden was of the few places not affected by the government's Covid-19 restrictions, but unfortunately it had to close today. Hopefully, it will reopen soon so that visitors will be able to enjoy the beautiful autumn colours! The garden is truly magical in the autumn. Those who think that all flowers have already bloomed are mistaken. For example, the Ornamental Garden is still full of colour these days.
V Dolních Měcholupech se starají o kočky i exotická zvířata
20.11.2008 — Útulek pro opuštěná a zatoulaná zvířata v Dolních Měcholupech, který provozuje Městská policie hlavního města Prahy, se na rozdíl od trójského, kde jsou hlavně psi, zaměřuje zejména na kočky. Od začátku letošního roku do konce října tu přijali celkem 1472 koček a 33 jich putovalo k původním a 698 k novým majitelům.
27.8.2014 — Areál Gutova představuje rozsáhlý komplex (36), kde možnost ke hrám najdou nejen děti, ale také dospělí. Unikátní je zejména vodní hřiště.
Prague celebrates the return of culture
18.8.2020 — "In April, together with GoOut, we sold tickets to non-existent shows in order to help to keep our culture alive. And because the time when almost NOTHING cultural happened is, hopefully, behind us, now Prague can experience SOMETHING in the last weekend of September. As an expression of gratitude to supporters and fans, cultural organisations all over Prague are preparing special events and programmes. It will be a celebration of the return and revival of culture and I look forward to seeing theatres and clubs full of fans soon," Hana Třeštíková, Prague Councillor for Culture and Tourism, said.
TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: The Young Gods & Jeremy Narby: Amazonia Ambient Project - Palac Akropolis - sobota 28.04. v 15:00
18.4.2007 — Pozvánka do Paláce Akropolis
DDM hl. m. Prahy zve na Čarodějnice 2024
29.4.2024 — Tradiční „pálení čarodějnic“ můžete zažít i v metropoli, kde Dům dětí a mládeže hlavního města Prahy v úterý 30. dubna pořádá dvě akce pro malé i velké návštěvníky.
Liechtenstein Palace, Prague’s Classicist gem, opens to visitors
23.7.2020 — The palaces in Prague are opening after the coronavirus closure. The Government of the Czech Republic will open the unique Liechtenstein Palace on Kampa Island to the public on Saturday the 25th of July.
Primátor hl. m. Prahy se zúčastnil slavnostního otevření dětského hřiště „Hadovka“
12.11.2004 — První dětské hřiště na Praze 6, které je určeno i dětem starším než předškolním, bylo včera slavnostně otevřeno první dámou České republiky paní Livií Klausovou, primátorem hl. m. Prahy MUDr. Pavlem Bémem, členkou Zastupitelstva hl. m. Prahy Ing. Marií Kousalíkovou a starostou Městské části Praha 6 Tomášem Chalupou.
New entrance to the Botanical Garden in Troja
19.10.2020 — A barrier-free entrance to Prague Botanical Garden was opened in the southern part of St. Claire's Vineyard at the end of September. The garden had been planning to build a new entrance for several years, and their waiting has finally paid off. From now on, visitors can comfortably enter St. Claire's Vineyard directly from Trojská Street, at the intersection between the vineyard walls and Troja Château, where the Kovárna bus stop is conveniently situated.
Help Prague Zoo during the coronavirus pandemic
16.10.2020 — As a result of the further government regulations in relation to the coronavirus pandemic, Prague Zoo in Troja has had to close again. The zoo currently expects to close for 17 days, which means a big loss for the zoo. How can you help? Although Prague Zoo is largely funded by Prague City Hall, its resources are limited. Therefore, the zoo is asking the public for help.
MAREK KVETÁN / b. 05/03, 2010; d. 02/05, 2010
1.3.2010 — Exhibition
New drive-in cinema at the Great Strahov Stadium
21.5.2020 — The space near the Great Strahov Stadium is being put to good use, with a brand-new drive-in cinema. With a capacity of 120 cars, it is the largest drive-in cinema in Prague. Apart from film screenings, various cultural events will also take place here during the summer.
Garden through your eyes
10.2.2020 — The northern part of Prague Botanical Garden has recently been adorned with twelve large-format photographs. These are award-winning shots from the 'Zahrada vašima očima' ('Garden through Your Eyes') competition.
One hundred important personalities have planted trees on the trail in the Botanical Garden
31.12.2019 — For the past ten years, Prague Botanical Garden has been running a unique project called 'Kořeny osobností' (Roots of Personalities), where important public figures plant a rare tree on 'Stezka osobností' (Trail of Personalities). The hundredth tree has recently been planted.
Art in Cinema presents the Hermitage
9.1.2020 — Explore the St. Petersburg Museum of Art and its three million artworks with the documentary 'Hermitage: The Power of Art'. The film will be screened on the 11th, the 12th, the 14th, and the 17th of January in the Světozor Cinema, as part of the 'Umění v kině' ('Art in Cinema') series.
Horror exhibition in MeetFactory
21.7.2020 — TOO HOT by Eva Jaroňová is the first post-pandemic exhibition in the MeetFactory gallery in Smíchov. Eva Riebová, the Kostka Gallery curator, had to cancel the Indian artist Afrah Shafiq's exhibition due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, she was given the opportunity to seek out a Czech artist and discovered Eva Jaroňová, who participated in the Kostka Gallery's open call in the past.
Primátor hl. m. Prahy dnes ráno ve své rezidenci přijal delegaci města Bagdád
18.11.2004 — Primátor hl. m. Prahy MUDr. Pavel Bém se setkal s delegací čelních představitelů Bagdádu a Basry v čele s guvernérem města Bagdád Mohamedem B. Al Suhailem.
Žáci základních a středních škol převzali ceny v soutěži Praha plná památek
24.2.2012 — Slavnostním ceremoniálem a vyhlášením vítězných prací dnes v Mramorovém sále Clam-Gallasova paláce vyvrcholila kreativní soutěž žáků základních a středních škol Praha plná památek. Uspořádal ji magistrátní odbor památkové péče ve spolupráci s odborem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy. Cílem bylo podpořit zájem školáků o historii Prahy se zaměřením na Pražskou památkovou rezervaci zapsanou na Seznam světového dědictví UNESCO.