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Paddleboardové závody na divoké vodě v Troji

21.7.2023 — Na padesát závodníků všech věkových kategorií se tento víkend sejde ve vodáckém areálu v pražské Troji, aby změřili své síly v rámci českého poháru v paddleboardingu na divoké vodě v TROJA-CZECH SUP WHITE WATER RACE 2023. Závod i doprovodný program jsou divákům volně přístupné.

Celebrate Prague Zoo’s anniversary

26.9.2020 — The 28th of September is the Day of Czech Statehood. In Prague Zoo, this day is traditionally dedicated to the zoo's anniversary. The reopening of the Hippopotamus Pavilion and the introduction of the male hippoTchéco will be the highlights of this year's celebration. However, in order to maintain social distancing and prevent large numbers of visitors indoors, this part of the event will be broadcasted on ČT24 in the morning and visitors will be able to visit the Hippo Pavilion over the course of the afternoon.

First stand up paddle board race in Prague

30.6.2019 — From the 5th to the 7th of July, a unique stand up paddleboard race (SUP) will take place in the historical centre of Prague, on the Vltava River near Střelecký Island ('Střelecký ostrov'). The first official SUP race in Prague is part of the tenth anniversary of the biggest European series, The Euro Tour. In addition to racing, the weekend will be full of sport opportunities for all paddle board enthusiasts. Paddle board fans of any level of experience will be able to borrow and try out paddle boards.

Article 3 - no body, attachments

12.5.2008 — Bia zi hala hamen, je dun sane cobi iseda. Vi umiga tebin xannin ipa, cai ma pila ikuxin. Izo on supa cagun, huro gelen di men. Uzoni jakine ubo ma. Ne kodak zivio ire, amio isidio ire du.