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Celkem záznamů: 7840
International dance project in Studio ALTA will bring comic relief

29.6.2020 — On the 2nd and 3rd of July, Studio ALTA will present 'How Things Go', the first joint project by the newly formed duo Felix Baumann (DE) and Sean Henderson (US/ CH). Baumann and Henderson brilliantly combine dance, physical and visual theatre. In 'How Things Go', the two performers' encounters with various objects cause a chain reaction, which inevitably leads to chaos. However, they do not give up or lose their sense of humour, and the audience laughs with them. Witnessing such creative yet futile efforts makes you think of comedians like Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and the Czech animated slapstick pair Pat & Mat.

Cars on Smetanovo Embankment to be replaced by beer gardens and terraces

22.5.2020 — Following in the footsteps of great cities such as Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, New York and Berlin, the city of Prague is planning to create more public space for pedestrians. The first new pedestrian zone will be created in part of the Smetanovo Embankment ('Smetanovo nábřeží'). Car traffic towards Křížovnické Square near Charles Bridge will go through Divadelní and Karoliny Světlé streets instead.

Bioindication environmental monitoring – regular monitoring of living organisms at selected localities

21.6.2007 — Certain plants and animals reacts to the growing load in a more sensitive manner than humans, they allow to register effects and assess the level of acceptability of local conditions to human population in advance /text based on the chapter Regular monitoring of living organisms at selected localities (bioindication monitoring) published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006/.