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Celkem záznamů: 7840
Open Day in Hrzánský and Liechtenstein Palaces

4.7.2019 — On the public holiday, the 5th of July, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic will open both Hrzánský Palace in Hradčany and Lichtenštejnský (Liechtenstein) Palace on Kampa Island to the public.

Prague City Council

19.11.2018 — Prague City Council has 11 members and is elected by Prague City Assembly. Its members are the Mayor of Prague, 4 Deputy Mayors of Prague and 6 Councillors. Meetings are held every Tuesday (or other days when needed) and are not public. Every citizen has the right to consult the minutes from the meetings. The Council is accountable for its actions to the Assembly.

Surface water

30.5.2006 — The text is based on the chapter Surface water published in yearbook Prague Environment 2005.

Manifesto Smíchov: a lively place in the heart of Prague

17.7.2019 — The new era of Smíchov is here, with the opening weekend of Manifesto Smíchov! From the 19th to the 21st of July, you can enjoy great music, food and drink. Manifesto Smíchov aims to pump life into the beating heart of the Smíchov community and has prepared a wonderful weekend for its visitors, encouraging them to rediscover its charm.