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Primátor Pavel Bém obdržel medaili „Nositel pochodně“ World Harmony Run

11.6.2010 — Slavnostního večera „Umění harmonie“, který proběhl pod záštitou Medy Mládkové, se včera na Novoměstské radnici zúčastnil primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém. Ten také obdržel medaili „Nositel pochodně“ za podporu projektu. Celosvětový běh World Harmony Run se letos poběží Českou republikou od 4. do 14. června, celkem pak navštíví 44 států evropského kontinentu.

Prague will systematically address the cultivation of nightlife

28.1.2019 — Prague City Council approved the members of a new Commission for the Night Mayor, the head of which will be Jan Štern. The commission's main goal will be to systematically work on long-term solutions for Prague's nightlife, to keep it within reasonable limits and to cultivate it at the same time. Members of this Commission will include representatives of Prague 1 and of the Municipal Police, as well as representatives of night clubs and organizers of cultural events. The aim is, on one hand, to reduce negative impacts of nightlife on the citizens of Prague, and on the other hand, to not damage the prosperity of the city ​​and its inhabitants.

Christmas Night Run

25.11.2019 — On Saturday, the 14th of December 2019, the fourth annual charity Christmas Night Run will take place in the centre of Prague. This 5km-long race will start and finish in front of Rudolfinum at Palachovo Square. Both individual racers and teams can take part in the race, and as was the case in the previous years, there will be a special race for children.