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Celkem záznamů: 21162
The project Ledová Praha invites children to engage with heritage centres in Prague

24.1.2019 — On Friday, the 1st of February 2019, schoolchildren in the Czech Republic will enjoy a school break. As in previous years, children will participate in project Ledová Praha by visiting monuments, museums and other centres of heritage in Prague. Over the long weekend from the 1st to the 3rd of February, families and groups of children will collect their Ledová karta, a free card that grants free or reduced admission to many museums and galleries in Prague, (such as the National Museum, the Jewish Museum in Prague and the Czech Police Museum) and other places of interest (for example, Prague Castle, Strahov Library and Loreta Praha). This year, about thirty historical and cultural centres of heritage are taking part.

Where one can dispose various types of waste

3.10.2011 — české stránky-Kam odložit různé druhy odpadu

Young Egyptian vultures head from Prague Zoo to Bulgaria

31.8.2020 — Prague Zoo has been working to protect endangered Egyptian vultures in Bulgaria for a long time. Experts placed two young birds into two wild vultures' nests in the Eastern Rhodopes a few days ago as part of this programme.

I Need to Address…

17.12.2012 —