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Celkem záznamů: 21161
Praha začne monitorovat mikroklima, aby lépe zvládala letní vlny horka a sucha

28.2.2022 — Městská společnost Operátor ICT (OICT) začne v Praze sledovat různé mikroklimatické parametry. Hlavní město díky tomu do budoucna získá podklady pro zmírnění extrémních vln horka a sucha. Rada hl. m. Prahy dnes schválila smlouvu na Monitoring mikroklimatických parametrů urbanizovaného prostředí.

American Spring music festival online

10.5.2020 — The jubilee 15th American Spring International Music Festival ('Americké jaro') will take place with an online programme. If you can't come to the festival, the festival will come to you! Enjoy a variety of concerts in your pyjamas and with a glass of wine in the comfort of your home on the 11th, 14th and 19th of May. The festival will start online and continue live in the autumn.

Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences Open Day

15.10.2019 — On the 16th of October, the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences will hold an Open Day. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the academy's historic building in Vinohrady in Prague, built in the 1920s by the Czech architect Josef Gočár, and learn about the history of the academy. The open day is part of the academy's 95th anniversary celebrations.