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Celkem záznamů: 10718
Visit the popular Náplavka Farmers’ Market on the Vltava riverbank

24.2.2020 — 'Náplavka', meaning riverbank, refers to the embankment of the Vltava River between Palacký Bridge and Railway Bridge in Prague 2, a place where farmers' markets have regularly been held for 11 years. Even though it is not the largest in the Czech capital city, the market is unsurpassed with its friendly, relaxed atmosphere, which is one of the reasons that it is one of the most popular markets in the city. The 2020 season started in February, and the market is held every Saturday.


8.4.2013 —

Úsek Vltavy na Maninách čeká zvýšení průtočnosti

17.7.2018 — Rada hl. m. Prahy dnes vybrala nejvhodnějšího uchazeče o zakázku na zvýšení průtočnosti Vltavy na Maninách v rámci protipovodňových opatření na ochranu hl. m. Prahy. Stala se jím společnost Aquatest, a. s. s nabídkovou cenou 7 870 048,06 Kč bez DPH.