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Celkem záznamů: 7715
National Gallery exhibits Myslbek’s works depicting human poverty

18.9.2020 — The National Gallery Prague hosts temporary graphic exhibitions in the Fair Trade Palace. One of them is an exhibition of a collection of drawings and prints by Karel Myslbek entitled 'The Silent Drama of Human Poverty', which takes place until the 8th of November. The National Gallery has rich and wide-ranging collection of graphics and drawings from various periods and styles. However, artworks on paper cannot be exhibited for a long time, so drawings and graphics are regularly presented in short-term exhibitions. The current exhibit in the Graphic Cabinet introduces the world of the gloomy but interesting Czech painter, Karel Myslbek.

Conclude your summer holidays at the Karlín family festival

28.8.2020 — Karlínské Square will be full of children on the 30th of August for the family festival that will take place there, offering children's attractions, good food and cultural activities. As part of the Karlín Family Festival, farmers will offer their products in stalls, children can take part in workshops and the whole family can enjoy musical performances. The Karlín Family Festival is a simple and ideal way to conclude summer in Prague.

Primátor Hřib o pomoci běžencům

11.3.2022 — 11. 3. 2022, Televize, TV Prima - další pořady, Prima televize, FTV Prima, spol. s r.o., Zdeněk Hřib

Praha rozdělí 400 milionů korun na dotace v oblasti kultury a umění pro rok 2024

13.2.2024 — Rada hl. m. Prahy na pondělním jednání odsouhlasila dotace pro úspěšné žadatele v oblasti kultury a umění. Celkem bylo hodnoceno 718 žádostí a různé typy jednoletých dotací pro rok 2024 získají celkovou podporu ve výši více než 125,7 milionů korun. Víceleté projekty budou v roce 2024 podpořeny částkou 271,7 milionu korun.