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Celkem záznamů: 410
Volunteers help families with children with special needs

10.4.2020 — The number of volunteers who have registered at the Czech Red Cross tents in Mariánské Square continues to increase. A total of 3,164 volunteers had registered by the 8th of April. Prague is now able to expand its offer of help to families who have children with special needs. As services for them are now limited and special schools are closed, the situation is more challenging than before.

Prague Zoo to build new Arctic pavilion

22.10.2020 — Prague Zoo has been breeding polar bears since 1932, and they have had several significant breeding successes since then. However, taking care of them is very difficult and the 80-year-old pavilion is no longer suitable, so Prague Zoo is going to build a new Arctic pavilion.

Zpět do školních lavic

29.8.2022 — První školní den čekají na děti v Zoo Praha hry se zvířecí tématikou a pro nadšené přírodovědce jsou připravena speciální soutěžní komentovaná krmení a setkání, během nichž budou zvířata dostávat nejrůznější typy potravních hlavolamů, smyslových enrichmentů a dalších "hraček". Děti do patnácti let mají vstup za symbolickou jednu korunu.