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Celkem záznamů: 464
Červnové divadelní tipy z Violy

23.5.2022 — Letošní divadelní sezona zvolna spěje k závěru, nenechte si ujít reprízy úspěšných inscenací a také novinku v repertoáru Divadla Viola.

Music Walks on Sundays at Prague Zoo

14.6.2020 — 'Hudební vycházky' (Music Walks) are outdoor classical music concerts which take place in Prague Zoo in front of Gočár's Houses. After fourteen successful years, the event has become a traditional part of summer at the zoo. Not only animal lovers, but also classical music fans, will be at the zoo every Sunday until the beginning of October. The open-air concerts will take place once again in front of Gočár's Houses at the top of the zoo for two hours on Sundays. More and more music lovers seek out the event for its informal setting and quality music.

Republikáni posilují šance Obamy na znovuzvolení

13.9.2011 — idnes.cz - blog | 13.9.2011 | Strana: 0 | Autor: Kaucký Lukáš