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Celkem záznamů: 7541
Discover Prague through Michael W. Pospíšil’s photographs

8.6.2020 — L'Institut français de Prague (French Institute of Prague) is holding an exhibition called 'Prague etc...' by Czech-French photographer Michael W. Pospíšil until the 4th of July. The exhibition is held at Gallery 35 on Štěpánská Street, part of the French Institute which supports connection between French and Czech art.

Vyšehrad summer scene comes alive with acrobats and music

15.5.2019 — From the 17th to the 23rd of May 2019, Losers Cirque Company's Open Air Festival is taking place at Vyšehrad. Over the course of seven evenings, audiences will enjoy a varied programme prepared especially for this festival. In addition to the Losers' new circus, festival goers can look forward to great musicians and a beatboxer.

Sustainability indicators of the City of Prague

26.5.2006 — Information from the yearbook Prague Environment 2005