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Lukáš Rittstein’s works at the Sculpture Line festival

23.8.2020 — The Sculpture Line is a festival that transforms squares, streets, parks and other public spaces into open-air galleries. The festival is taking place in Prague and other Czech cities and towns for the sixth time. Sculpture Line is the largest event in the Czech Republic that supports the connection between sculpture and public space and, in doing so, expands the cultural and artistic potential of public spaces, bringing emotion into public spaces and exploring new possibilities. The main idea of the long-term art project is to introduce contemporary art to both residents and tourists, and to enhance the social function of public spaces.

Buy vegetables from takeaway windows in the Prague Market

13.4.2020 — After the closure of the popular vegetable market in Hall 22 of the Prague Market due to the coronavirus pandemic measures, the authorities have allowed fresh produce to be sold safely through takeaway windows.

Visit Prague

19.6.2014 — The vitality of Prague relates not only to the quality of its architecture and performing arts but also to the quality of life of its inhabitants, its level of educational development and the reach of its cultural resonance.