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Celkem záznamů: 7541
Agata Krause

22.11.2021 —

Czech Nature Photo Exhibition displays the best wildlife photography

23.5.2020 — You have the opportunity to admire award-winning and selected photos from the Czech Nature Photo 2020 competition until the 28th of June. The Czech Nature Photo 2020 exhibition, which exhibits the best nature images by photographers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, takes place in the Czech Photo Centre, 4 Seydlerova Street, Prague 5 - Nové Butovice.

Art for the city

23.5.2020 — As Prague would like to have as much public art as some other major cities, streets and other public spaces will be soon filled with work by various artists. The 'Art for the City' programme ('Umění pro město') will support the emergence of contemporary art in public spaces in the Czech capital.

12th annual international tea festival

14.8.2020 — Čajomír Fest, the international tea festival, will once again offer two days of tea tastings, great food and drink, music, dancing, a children's zone and a tea school. You can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the festival over the weekend of the 15th and 16th of August in the beautiful surroundings of Vyšehrad.