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Celkem záznamů: 7541
City of Prague’s new website informs about upcoming COVID-19 test dates

9.10.2020 — A new website was launched on the 5th of October which gives information on the next available testing dates for COVID-19 in Prague and is also connected to the booking systems for individual testing clinics. The website is designed for everyone who wants to get tested, both for those with a medical certificate and for people who want to check the average waiting times at selected testing sites.

Zastupitelstvo Prahy souhlasí s prodejem Richterova domu

23.2.2006 — S prodejem Richterova domu za 436, 2 mil. Kč kupci, vybranému ve veřejné soutěži, dnes souhlasilo Zastupitelstvo hl. m. Prahy.


6.1.2014 —

Founded 1918 / Symbolic Power of the Bohemian Crown Jewels

16.1.2018 — In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary from the declaration of the Czechoslovakia and the 25th anniversary from the foundation of the Czech Republic, the Bohemian Crown Jewels will be exhibited in the Vladislav Hall at the Old Royal Palace.