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Celkem záznamů: 7541
Traffic restrictions due to construction work for the bridge in Bubenská street.

4.2.2019 — At the beginning of February, construction work will commence on the bridge in Bubenská street, near the Vltavská metro station. The investor, Prague Technical Road Administration (Technická správa komunikací hl. m. Prahy, a.s.), expects the work to take approximately one month. Some traffic restrictions will be in place.

‘Laboratory of Living Sentiments’ at Meet Factory

29.7.2019 — Until the 8th of September 2019, there will be an exhibition of videos, 'Laboratory of Living Sentiments' by the Polish artist Magdalena Lazar in the Kostka Gallery. The themes of the exhibition are sentiments and memories. The artist Magdalena Lazar was born in Poland in 1986. She works with animation, video, photography, installation and objects. Her favourite themes include the present versus the past, the experience of a lot of change over a short period, and initiatives related to a post-growth economy.