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Celkem záznamů: 7541
International Jazz Festival

13.10.2017 — Prague's Reduta Jazz Club, ranked by The Guardian magazine among the top ten jazz clubs in Europe, resonates with music of all genres from all over the world, from Dixieland and blues to classical and fusion jazz. The 39th International Jazz Festival Prague is held here until 5 November.

Mr. Jan Černý

8.11.2021 —

Císařský Island and Troja reconnected by pedestrian bridge

30.10.2020 — The districts of Prague 7 and Prague-Troja are connected by a new pedestrian bridge three years after the disastrous collapse of the Troja Pedestrian Bridge. The bridge will serve not only pedestrians, cyclists and people on inline skates, but also the Integrated Rescue System vehicles shall the need arise. The total cost of the construction was 150 million CZK, and the construction took less than one year.