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Celkem záznamů: 3065
The world's biggest Romani festival is here

24.5.2019 — From the 26th of May to the 1st of June, rhythmic Roma music will sound throughout Prague as the 21st annual Romani festival, Khamoro, takes place. Khamoro ('sun' in the Roma language) is the biggest and the most famous professional Roma festival in the world. It has been held in Prague since 1999.

The world's biggest Romani festival is here

24.5.2019 — From the 26th of May to the 1st of June, rhythmic Roma music will sound throughout Prague as the 21st annual Romani festival, Khamoro, takes place. Khamoro ('sun' in the Roma language) is the biggest and the most famous professional Roma festival in the world. It has been held in Prague since 1999.

Hlavní cenu festivalu Zlatá Praha získal britský dokument Ballet Boyz: Svěcení jara

21.10.2010 — Mezinárodní porota MTF Zlatá Praha dnes vyhlásila vítěze v jednotlivých soutěžních kategoriích. Grand Prix Zlatá Praha získal pořad britské televizní společnosti BBC TV Ballet Boyz: Svěcení jara. Slavnostního večera na Žofíně se včera večer za Hl. m. Prahu zúčastnila náměstkyně primátora Marie Kousalíková, která předala i jednu z cen.

Boats that Sank on the Vltava without Loss of Life

17.4.2008 — River boats did not carry many passengers during the winter months. For the first time in 42 years boat services operated throughout the winter of 1991. The company that had been the sole provider of riverboat services on the Vltava, Dopravní Podnik Praha (Prague Public Transport Authority) once again under its original name Pražská Paroplavební Společnost (Prague Steamboat Company), now had to cope with competitors.